Currently Teaching Computer Science and Applications (CS 1100)

Using spreadsheets and databases to touch on important CS topics. Computer Science (CS 1100) Syllabus

Spring 2015 Teaching

Computer Science (CS 1100)

Section 4: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 4.35 pm - 5.40 pm, WVH 210.

Fall 2014 Teaching

Computer Science (CS 1100)

Spring 2014 Teaching

Algorithms (CS 5800)

Computer Science (CS 1100)

Fall 2013 Teaching Karl Lieberherr

Algorithms (CS 5800)

Spring 2012 Teaching Karl Lieberherr

Algorithms and Data (CS 4800) 1:35 pm - 2:40 pm MWR West Village H 110 Jan 09, 2012 - Apr 18, 2012

Office Hours Spring 2012

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 10.45-11.45 am, or by appointment.

Office: 308A WVH. Call 617 373 2077 if door to 308 is locked. Directions to my office

Office Hour for Algorithms and Data by Ravishankar Rajagopal (Grader). On Tuesday from 4 pm - 5 pm in 102 WVH or by appointment: rajagopal.r --at--

Fall 2011 Teaching Karl Lieberherr

Algorithms and Data (CS 4800)

Managing Software Development (CS 5500)

Earlier Courses

Spring 2011

Algorithms and Data (CS 4800) | Managing Software Development (CS 5500)

Fall 2010

Algorithms and Data (CS 4800)

Spring 2010

Software Development Using Games (CS 7580). Project Course.

Algorithms and Data (CS 4800) .

Fall 2009

Software Development (CS 4500)

Spring 2009

Software Development (CSU 670)

Fall 2008

Algorithms (CSG 113)
Software Development (CSU 670)

Fall 2007

Principles of Programming Languages (CSG 111)
Software Development (CSU 670)

Courses I have taught

The following dissertations/theses have been completed in my research group.

The Evergreen Game for Software Development

George Polya: How to Solve IT | Meta-Cognitive Skills | AspectJ in Teaching