
What is adaptive software? An adaptive program, instead of being written for a specific data model, is written for a generic data model defined by a set of structural constraints.

We study software development methods along with their theoretical foundations. The current focus is on software development techniques using adaptive object-oriented software.

We collaborate with other research groups: Professor Mira Mezini , Professor Jens Palsberg , Professor Boaz Patt-Shamir , Professor Mitchell Wand , Gregor Kiczales and his AOP research group at Xerox PARC , Composition Filters (Professor Mehmet Aksit). Our research is or has been supported by the National Science Foundation and ARPA, and several companies, including IBM, Mettler-Toledo, Citibank and Mitsubishi. Total support is over $1 600 000 (1997).

For recent research, see the annual reports (research section). For comparisons with other methods, see For related projects, see

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