To simplify the work of a lab designer, We have standard refutation protocols to choose from. For the same reason, we offer standard binary games. I am not sure about the name: binary game. It is an important part of a binary game. binary game 1 P is given claim c. assertion T: P asserts assertTrue(c). Substantiation: P defends c against O, P wins refute(c,P,O). assertion F: P asserts: assertFalse(c) Substantiation: P refutes c against O, i.e., P wins refute(c,O,P). binary game 2 P is given a claim c. assertion Lopt: P asserts: c is locally optimum. Substantiation: P defends c against O, i.e., it wins refute(c,P,O). P proposes a stronger c, called c', and refutes c' against O, i.e., P wins refute(c',O,P). assertion !Lopt: P asserts: c is true but not locally optimum. Substantiation: P defends c against O, i.e., it wins refute(c,P,O). P proposes a stronger c, called c', and defends c' against O, i.e., P wins refute(c',P,O). binary game 3 P is given a claim c. assertion indet: P asserts that claim c is indeterminate. Substantiation: If refute(c,O,P) is played n times, the probability that O wins n times is 2^-n. assertion T (see above) assertion F (see above) binary game 4 P chooses two claims c1 and c2 from claim set and asserts c1 => c2. Substantiation: If P is given the oracle to win refute(c1,P,O) then P can win refute(c2,P,O). Not constructive enough. Use a transformation.