Why I am interested in MAX-CSP?
Theoretical Interest
Back in the 70s and 80s when I worked on MAX-CSP, the interest
was theoretical.
Applications to Biology
My 2006 sabbatical at Novartis revealed several applications of MAX-CSP.
Applications to Reasoning in Contradictory and Probabilistic Context
by Pedro Domingos.
Applications in Electronic Design Automation (EDA)
There are applications of MAX-SAT, a special case of MAX-CSP, in EDA. For new algorithms see:
Algorithms for Maximum Satisfiability using Unsatisfiable Cores by
Joao Marques-Silva and Jordi Planes.
Applications to Games
There are interesting applications to games,
such as the
Specker Derivative Game (SDG).
There is an interesting question about how combinatorial
optimization problems can be categorized to make
an interesting SDG game. The categories correspond to the types used
in the derivatives of SDG.
Karl J. Lieberherr,
CCIS, Northeastern University, (C) 2007 - 2008