package; import java.util.*; /** A graph whose nodes are objects and whose edges are part-of relationships (properties), with a single distinguished root object. An object graph has a class graph to which it conforms. */ public class ObjectGraph { protected ClassGraph cg; protected Object root; /** The object graph rooted at o with respect to c. */ public ObjectGraph(Object o, ClassGraph c) { cg = c; root = o; } /** The class graph that this object graph is an instance of. */ public ClassGraph getClassGraph() { return cg; } /** The root of the graph. */ public Object getRoot() { return root; } /** The subgraph of the object graph determined by s. */ public ObjectGraphSlice slice(Strategy s) { try { return new ObjectGraphSlice(this, s); } catch (TraversalException e) { // FIXME: make a new exception type? throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } /** Traverse the subgraph of the object graph determined by s using v, returning the value of v.getReturnValue() at the end of the traversal. */ public Object traverse(Strategy s, Visitor v) { return slice(s).traverse(v); } /** Traverse the subgraph of the object graph determined by s using visitors in array v in parallel, returning the value of v[0].getReturnValue() at the end of the traversal. */ public Object traverse(Strategy s, Visitor v[]) { return slice(s).traverse(v); } /** Fetch the object in the object graph corresponding to the target of s. */ public Object fetch(Strategy s) throws FetchException { return slice(s).fetch(); } /** Gather (copy) the objects in the object graph corresponding to the target of s into a List. */ public List gather(Strategy s) { return slice(s).gather(); } /** View (without copying) the objects in the object graph corresponding to the target of s as a List. */ public List asList(Strategy s) { return slice(s).asList(); } /** The subgraph of the object graph determined by strategy s. */ public ObjectGraphSlice slice(String s) { return slice(new Strategy(s)); } /** Traverse the subgraph of the object graph determined by strategy s using v, returning the value of v.getReturnValue() at the end of the traversal. */ public Object traverse(String s, Visitor v) { return slice(s).traverse(v); } /** Traverse the subgraph of the object graph determined by strategy s using visitors in array v in parallel, returning the value of v[0].getReturnValue() at the end of the traversal. */ public Object traverse(String s, Visitor v[]) { return slice(s).traverse(v); } /** Fetch the object in the object graph corresponding to the target of stragegy s. */ public Object fetch(String s) throws FetchException { return slice(s).fetch(); } /** Gather (copy) the objects in the object graph corresponding to the target of strategy s into a List. */ public List gather(String s) { return slice(s).gather(); } /** View (without copying) the objects in the object graph corresponding to the target of strategy s as a List. */ public List asList(String s) { return slice(s).asList(); } }