package edu.neu.ccs.demeter.aplib; import java.util.*; /** * A compact, efficient representation of a set of paths through a * class graph that can be used to guide a traversal of an object * graph. */ public abstract class Traversal { /** The version string for this version of the AP Library. */ public static String getVersion() { return "AP Library version 0.8.6"; } protected Traversal(ClassGraphI cg) { classGraph = cg; } /** * Compute the traversal determined by an encapsulated strategy and * a class graph. * * @throws TraversalException if the resulting traversal graph is empty. */ public static Traversal compute(StrategyI S, ClassGraphI G) throws TraversalException { return compute(S, G, null, null); } /** * Compute the traversal determined by an encapsulated strategy, * a class graph, a name map, and a constraint map. The two maps, * if not null, are combined with the maps in the encapsulated * strategy. * * @throws TraversalException if: * */ public static Traversal compute(StrategyI S, ClassGraphI G, NameMapI N, ConstraintMapI B) throws TraversalException { if (S.isSimpleStrategy()) return new TraversalGraph(S.toSimpleStrategy(),G,N,B); else if (S.isStrategyCombination()) { StrategyCombinationI SC = S.toStrategyCombination(); Traversal left = compute(SC.getLeftStrategy(), G, N, B); Traversal right = compute(SC.getRightStrategy(), G, N, B); if (SC.isStrategyIntersection()) return left.intersect(right); } throw new TraversalException("Unknown strategy type: " + S); } /** * The intersection of this traversal with another traversal, that * is, the set of paths that are in both traversals. */ public Traversal intersect(Traversal t) throws IncompatibleClassGraphsException { return new TraversalIntersection(this, t); } /** The class graph G used in computing this traversal. */ public ClassGraphI getClassGraph() { return classGraph; } ClassGraphI classGraph; /** * An unmodifiable list of NodeSet objects representing the nodes in * the traversal. * * @see NodeSet */ public abstract List getNodeSets(); /** * The set of copies of class graph node v in the traversal, or null * if there are none. */ public abstract NodeSet getNodeSet(Object v); /** * An unmodifiable List of NodeSet objects representing the start * set of the traversal (Ts). */ public abstract List getStartSet(); /** * A NodeSet representing the start set of tokens (indices) for the * class graph node v, or null if v has no start tokens in the * traversal. */ public abstract NodeSet getStartSet(Object v); /** * An unmodifiable List of NodeSet objects representing the finish * set of the traversal (Tf). */ public abstract List getFinishSet(); /** * A NodeSet representing the finish set of tokens (indices) for the * class graph node v, or null if v has no finish tokens in the * traversal. */ public abstract NodeSet getFinishSet(Object v); /** * A set of nodes vi in a traversal, where the nodes in the * set are all copies of the same class graph node v with different * indices i. */ public abstract class NodeSet { NodeSet(Object v) { node = v; } /** The class graph node v corresponding to this node set. */ public Object getNode() { return node; } Object node; /** Is s a set of copies of the same node as this? */ public boolean sameNode(NodeSet s) { return node == null || s.node == null || node.equals(s.node); } public boolean equals(Object x) { return x instanceof NodeSet && sameNode((NodeSet) x); } public String toString() { return node + ": " + indicesToString(); } abstract String indicesToString(); /** * An unmodifiable list of EdgeSet objects representing the * edges in the traversal going out of the nodes in this * set. Each EdgeSet will be nonempty and have a nonempty * target NodeSet. */ public List getOutgoingEdgeSets() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(getIncidentEdgeSets(true)); } /** * An unmodifiable list of EdgeSet objects representing the * edges in the traversal coming into the nodes in this * set. Each EdgeSet will be nonempty and have a nonempty * source NodeSet. */ public List getIncomingEdgeSets() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(getIncidentEdgeSets(false)); } /** * A list of EdgeSet objects representing the edges in the * traversal going out of (if outgoing is true) or coming * into (if outgoing is false) the nodes in this set. Each * EdgeSet will be nonempty and have nonempty source and target * NodeSets. */ abstract List getIncidentEdgeSets(boolean outgoing); } /** * An unmodifiable list of EdgeSet objects representing the edges * in the traversal. * * @see EdgeSet */ public abstract List getEdgeSets(); /** * The set of copies of the class graph edge with the given key in * the traversal, or null if there are none. */ public abstract EdgeSet getEdgeSet(String key); /** * The set of copies of class graph edge e in the traversal graph, * or null if there are none. */ public EdgeSet getEdgeSet(EdgeI e) { return getEdgeSet(edgeKey(e)); } /** * The set of copies of class graph construction edge u * -l-> v in the traversal, or null if there * are none. Note that u and v may be either nodes or their string * representations. */ public EdgeSet getConstructionEdgeSet(Object u, String l, Object v) { return getEdgeSet(cedgeKey(u, l, v)); } /** * The set of copies of class graph alternation edge u * => v in the traversal, or null if there are none. * Note that u and v may be either nodes or their string * representations. */ public EdgeSet getAlternationEdgeSet(Object u, Object v) { return getEdgeSet(aedgeKey(u, v)); } /** * The set of copies of class graph inheritance edge u * :> v in the traversal, or null if there are none. * Note that u and v may be either nodes or their string * representations. */ public EdgeSet getInheritanceEdgeSet(Object u, Object v) { return getEdgeSet(iedgeKey(u, v)); } /** * A set of edges ui -l-> vj * in a traversal graph, where the edges in the set are all copies * of the same class graph edge u -l-> v with * different endpoint indices i and j. */ public abstract class EdgeSet { EdgeSet(EdgeI e) { edge = e; } /** * The class graph edge u -l-> v corresponding to * this edge set. */ public EdgeI getEdge() { return edge; } EdgeI edge; /** Is s a set of copies of the same edge as this? */ public boolean sameEdge(EdgeSet s) { return edge.equals(s.edge); } public boolean equals(Object x) { return x instanceof EdgeSet && sameEdge((EdgeSet) x); } public String toString() { return edgeKey(edge) + ": " + indicesToString(); } abstract String indicesToString(); /** The set of target nodes of edges in this set. */ public abstract NodeSet getTargetNodeSet(); } /** * A unique identifying string for the given edge. Useful for * hashing. */ public static String edgeKey(EdgeI e) { return e == null ? "null" : e.isConstructionEdge() ? cedgeKey(e.getSource(), e.getLabel(), e.getTarget()) : e.isAlternationEdge() ? aedgeKey(e.getSource(), e.getTarget()) : e.isInheritanceEdge() ? iedgeKey(e.getSource(), e.getTarget()) : null; } /** * A unique identifying string for the construction edge * u -l-> v. */ static String cedgeKey(Object u, String l, Object v) { return "-> " + u + "," + l + "," + v; } /** * A unique identifying string for the alternation edge * u => v. */ static String aedgeKey(Object u, Object v) { return "=> " + u + "," + v; } /** * A unique identifying string for the inheritance edge * u :> v. */ static String iedgeKey(Object u, Object v) { return ":> " + u + "," + v; } /** A string representation of the nodes and edges in the traversal. */ public String toCompactString() { String s = ""; s += "Start set: " + getStartSet() + "\n"; s += "Nodes:\n"; for (Iterator it = getNodeSets().iterator(); it.hasNext();) s += " " + + "\n"; s += "Edges:\n"; for (Iterator it = getEdgeSets().iterator(); it.hasNext();) s += " " + + "\n"; s += "Finish set: " + getFinishSet() + "\n"; return s; } }