package; import java.util.Scanner; import edu.neu.ccs.demeterf.lib.List; import hsr.HSRConfig; import hsr.HSRInstanceSet; import hsr.HSRSolution; import scg.Agreement; import scg.Claim; import scg.Config; import scg.OpposeAction; import scg.ParseException; import scg.SolutionI; import scg.SolveRequest; public class GameMain { static Scanner KEYBOARD = null; static List forbiddenClaims = List.create(); static int N = 0; // number of rungs static int K = 0; // number of jars static int Q = 0; // number of questions static Config cfg = HSRConfig.getDefaultConfig(); static HSRAvatarSmart a = new HSRAvatarSmart(cfg); public void proposeHandler(){ String yesorno = KEYBOARD.nextLine(); if (yesorno.equals("y")){ System.out.println("Please give the number of rungs: n"); N = Integer.parseInt(KEYBOARD.nextLine()); System.out.println("Please give the number of jars available: k"); K = Integer.parseInt(KEYBOARD.nextLine()); System.out.println("Please give the number of questions you need to ask: q"); Q = Integer.parseInt(KEYBOARD.nextLine()); double quality = (double) Q / (double) N; opposeHandler(N, K, quality); } else if (yesorno.equals("n")){ System.out.println("Avatar propose: "); Claim claim = a.propose(forbiddenClaims).lookup(0); System.out.println(claim); int n = ((HSRInstanceSet) claim.getInstanceSet()).getSingleton().getN(); System.out.println("Depth: " + claim.getQuality()*n); System.out.println("Please give an oppose action (refute/strengthen/agree)"); scholarActionHandler(claim, claim.getQuality()*n); tryAgain(); } else{ System.out.printf("Please type \"y\" to propose a new claim\n" + "or \"n\" to see avatar's claim"); proposeHandler(); } } public void opposeHandler(int n, int k, double quality){ try{ Claim claim = Claim.parse("hsr.HSRInstanceSet {{ HSR (" + N + "," + K + ") }} scg.protocol.ExistsForAll {{ }} " + quality + " 1.0"); forbiddenClaims.append(claim); System.out.println("Your claim is : " + claim); List claims = List.create(claim); OpposeAction action = a.oppose(claims).lookup(0); SolveRequest solveRequest = SolveRequest .parse("solve hsr.HSRInstance {{ " + ((HSRInstanceSet) claim.getInstanceSet()) .getSingleton() + " }} " + claim); HSRSolution solution = (HSRSolution) a.solve(solveRequest); int depth = solution.findDepth(); double q = (double) depth / (double) N; if (Q < depth) { System.out .println("Avatar refutes your claim: You cann't find a solution with minimum depth of " + Q + " for this instance"); tryAgain(); } else { System.out .println("Avatar's decision to your claim: " + action); System.out.println("Avatar's solution quality: " + q); System.out.println("Depth/Question number: " + depth); System.out.println("Decision tree: " + solution); if (q < claim.getQuality()) { System.out .println("Avatar needs less questions to ask. You lose"); tryAgain(); } else if (q > claim.getQuality()){ System.out.println("You win!"); tryAgain(); } else if (q == claim.getQuality()){ System.out.println("Draw"); tryAgain(); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error when parsing " + e); } } public void scholarActionHandler(Claim claim, double avatarDepth) { String inputAction = KEYBOARD.nextLine(); SolveRequest solveRequest; try { solveRequest = SolveRequest .parse("solve hsr.HSRInstance {{ " + ((HSRInstanceSet) claim.getInstanceSet()) .getSingleton() + " }} " + claim); HSRSolution solution = (HSRSolution) a.solve(solveRequest); if (inputAction.equals("refute")) { System.out.println("Avatar's solution: " + solution); System.out.println("You lose."); } else if (inputAction.equals("strengthen")) { System.out.println("Please give the depth/questions you need for this claim:"); String inputDepth = KEYBOARD.nextLine(); int depth = Integer.parseInt(inputDepth); if (depth < avatarDepth){ System.out.println("You win!"); } else { System.out.println("You lose."); } } else if (inputAction.equals("agree")) { System.out.println("Avatar's solution: " + solution); System.out.println("Draw"); } } catch (ParseException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public void tryAgain(){ System.out.println("Try again? y/n "); String tryAgain = KEYBOARD.nextLine(); if (tryAgain.equals("y")) { System.out.printf("Please type \"y\" to propose a new claim\n" + "or \"n\" to see avatar's claim"); proposeHandler(); } else { System.out.println("See you next time."); System.exit(0); } } public static void main(String[] args){ KEYBOARD = new Scanner(; System.out.printf("Please type \"y\" to propose a new claim\n" + "or \"n\" to see avatar's claim"); GameMain game = new GameMain(); game.proposeHandler(); // SolveRequest r = SolveRequest.parse("solve hsr.HSRInstance {{ HSR (25,2) }} hsr.HSRInstanceSet {{ HSR (25,2) }} scg.protocol.ForAllExists {{ }} 0.44444 0.5"); // System.out.println("request: " + r); // SolutionI s = a.solve(r); // System.out.println(s); } }