Frequently used links:
SourceForge Scientific Community Game Home
Spring 2011 User Guide
Spring 2011 Implementation
SCG Poster
Maintenance and improvements for SCG Court
Shotgun Seminars
Any study of Managing Software Development needs an interesting application to ground the study of the software development process. In this course we use an innovative Crowdsourcing Platform, called SCG Court, as application to study how to learn about an existing software project, its documentation and source code, and how to maintain the software by perfecting it and adding new features.
Motivation for the Crowdsourcing Platform
SCG Home points to the software and documentation developed by the Spring 2011 class.
We will apply the software development ideas advocated in recent Google Tech Talks in the context of SCG Court. Some of the Google Tech Talks we will use are in the red section of the Law of Demeter Home page.
Course Directories | Lecture Notes | Projects | Blackboard | Mailinglist (archive, sign-up, etc.) | Assembla/Documentation | Office Hours.
Documents that the instructor has written to define the project.
Playground Designer Guide .
SCG Description .
Problem Statement .
We learn about Managing Software Development by maintaining a software development project for an innovation game that develops a knowledge base of good claims. The purpose of the game is to distinguish good claims from bad claims and to develop the know-how to defend the good claims and to refute the bad claims. Such games are played daily by engineers and scientists around the world. The software we learn about and which we learn to maintain is a product line web application about serious, but fun games intended to be used by organizations to advance the state of the art in a specific domain.
Learning to maintain a software project is a very typical activity of a software developer. Starting a project from scratch is the exception.
Required textbook: The successful textbook (it is the 3rd edition)
Object-Oriented Software Engineering Third Edition Bernd Bruegge Allen Dutoit Prentice Hall, Pearson, ISBN 0-13-606125-7, 2010.has the same objective: to learn managing software development by doing a project.
See Software Product Lines to learn more about product lines.
For our project we will use an interesting game that
models a scientific community of scholars that propose claims
and oppose each others' claims. It is called
the Scientific Community Game
or the Specker Challenge Game.
Because you all have
been exposed to several scientific disciplines,
it will be easy for you to acquire the domain knowledge
about scientific communities so that you can maintain use cases
and implementing them.
Initial SCG Arena Problem Statement .
We will apply the SCG to software development. After all, software developers should make claims about their software: correctness, security, efficiency, maintainability, modularity, traceability, flexibility, etc.
DemeterF: Functions and Traversals Combined
Syllabus .
Project solutions.
Old exams (Practice exams) .
Components Assigned .
Trac .