Course Details:
Tuesday 6-9 pm
Required text book: None. Reading material will be assigned on a weekly basis.
Recommended text book (it is available for free on the web): ``Adaptive Object-Oriented Software: The Demeter Method with Propagation Patterns'' by Karl J. Lieberherr, PWS Publishing Company, ISBN: 0-534-94602-X. Also available from this page (CSG 260 Resources link) and on the Demeter home page.
There are several books on AspectJ available. Choose one that fits best your needs.
Course requirements: The grade will be based on an open-book midterm (twenty per cent) and an open-book final examination (twenty per cent), and the homework solutions (twenty percent) which are primarily programming exercises and the project (forty percent). In some courses, there is no final exam and the weight is given to the project.
Homework: Five homeworks, one project
Office hours: see
Teaching Assistant: To be announced.
Course URL: CSG 260 Home Page (this file:
Computer Language: Java and AspectJ. AspectJ is learned in the course. Other languages may be used: for example Scala from EPFL or Scheme.
Project: In the second half of the course you implement a project using adaptive and aspect-oriented techniques.