Re: [CSG111] CSG111 MP5: Tests...

Subject: Re: [CSG111] CSG111 MP5: Tests...
From: Mitchell Wand (
Date: Tue Mar 07 2006 - 20:32:43 EST

Any expression you want to test can be tested from the statement language by

print <expression>

so you can get by with a single set of tests.

On 3/7/06, Therapon Skotiniotis <> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 07, 2006 at 08:13:48PM -0500, Zach Kissel wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > Are we supposed to provide a transcript of the tests for the first
> > two questions than modify everything to work with the statement
> > language and run the tests? Or are we just expected to turn in a
> > single transcript with the test of the statment language being sure to
> > test everything that is in expression?
> Good point. Actually provide 2 transcripts, one for
> question 2 and one for question 3 and 4.
> -- Theo
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