Instructor | Date | Room |
Wand | Tue 4/24/07 | 458 RI |
Clinger | Wed 4/25/07   | 458 RI |
The final exam will be from 6:00 to 9:00pm on the indicated date at the indicated location.
The exam will be open-book, and open-notes, but no electronics (laptops, PDAs, cell phones, etc.) may be used.
You can expect that the exam will ask you to do things very similar to what has been on the problem sets. In general, you can expect these tasks to be somewhat simpler than those on the assignments, since you have a limited time to complete them.
The final exam will be cumulative, though it will emphasize the material since the midterm. Here are some possible tasks for the topics from the second half of the semester.
Last modified: Thu Apr 19 15:09:15 EDT 2007