RE: Doug's interface for traversal-related concerns

Subject: RE: Doug's interface for traversal-related concerns
From: Karl Lieberherr (
Date: Sat Mar 02 2002 - 17:21:47 EST

Hi John:

>From Sat Mar 2 16:46:41 2002
>Hi Karl,
>I really like the declare visitor part, it's a very nice way of adding

I am glad you like it too.

>visitors to the whole system. I think that this is the way I should
>implement the syntax for the visitor as well. It shouldn't be too hard to
>find the definition for the particular visitor in the parse tree or loaded

loaded classes please (reflection).
We want to add this again without touching the
AspectJ compiler.
Some of my COM 3362 students, e.g. Laura and Paul, already do this.

>I'm just wondering about syntax for adding advice to edges. Since, AspectJ
>is advising on methods and there's a wrapper method call for traversing an
>edge. We should be able to do this. So, what would be the syntax for adding
>advice to those?

We don't need new syntax. We use the Java syntax that Doug has
for DJ. That is our official new aspect-specific language for
traversal related concerns.


-- Karl

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Pengcheng Wu []
>Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 10:07 AM
>To: Karl Lieberherr
>Subject: Re: Doug's interface for traversal-related concerns
>On Thu, 28 Feb 2002, Karl Lieberherr wrote:
>> Hi Doug, Pengcheng and John:
>> I like the new design by Doug for edge patterns very much.
>> This will be our new interface for expressing
>> traversal related-concerns in DJ and in AspectDJ.
>> John: please can you check whether you want to put this
>> interface into AspectDJ?
>> See: /home/lieber/.www/com3362/w02/hw/7/assign7-com3362.txt
>> Pengcheng: do you agree with Doug re. calling all matching methods?
>I agree with Doug about calling all matching methods in that it more
>conforms to the adaptive programming implementation style. But I have some
>conservations about that in terms of standard object-oriemted programming
>style, i.e., in O-O, only most specific method get executed, unless the
>explicitly call 'super.m()'.
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