// COM3336 Operating Systems
// Homework 1 part 2
// John Sung
// Started: 10/9/1999

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import CommandExecutor;
import ThreadMutex;
import ShellSystem;

// The hw1 class. This class is the highest level class.
public class hw2_1

	 // the mutex that counts the number of command
	 // threads that are currently running.
	 private static ThreadMutex RunningThreadCount;

	 // the file system for this shell
	 private static ShellSystem FileSystem;
	 public static void main(String[] args)

		  // initialize the running thread count
		  RunningThreadCount = new ThreadMutex(0);
		  // input from the standard in.
		  BufferedReader cmdLineIn =
				new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));

		  // the file system.
		  FileSystem = new ShellSystem();
		  // loop forever. we'll exit by calling System.exit().
		  while (true)
					 // output the prompt

					 try {
					 // read in a line and get input from the
					 // user, i.e. commands
					 String cmd = cmdLineIn.readLine();

					 // the input has terminated so just exit
					 if (cmd == null)
					 // Attempt to execute the command

					 // wait for all of the threads to be finished.
					 } catch (IOException ex)

	 // this is the function that will take in a cmdAndArgs
	 // and attempt to execute the command by calling the runtime.
	 public static void executeCommand(String cmdAndArgs)
		  // attempt to find the '&'
		  int ampersandIndex = cmdAndArgs.indexOf('&');
		  // if the ampersand is there then do a sub string and
		  // recursively call the execute command on both parts.
		  if (ampersandIndex > -1)
					 // break up the commands into 2 substrings
					 // and call this method again recursively.
					 // This is for when you hae multiple &'s.
					 String cmd1 = cmdAndArgs.substring(0,ampersandIndex);
					 String cmd2 = cmdAndArgs.substring(ampersandIndex+1);

					 // execute the two commands

		  // if there is no ampersand then just execute the sigle
		  // command that's been passed
					 // Now create a new command executor object to
					 // execute the command.
					 CommandExecutor executor =
						  new CommandExecutor(cmdAndArgs,RunningThreadCount,

					 // Now start the thread.
