Subject: using the Blackboard System
From: Karl Lieberherr (
Date: Tue Jan 08 2002 - 10:08:58 EST
We will use the Blackboard system in this class.
It has many capabilities but we will use only a few.
Use Blackboard the way you find most suitable but as a minimum
use it to turn in your homework and to monitor your grades.
Blackboard ( will be used mainly for
turning in homework and posting of grades.
Create a new student account following the directions on the main page
Login into your blackboard account:
Enroll in the class: Courses > Computer Science > Winter 2002 > Software Design and Development
To turn in homework: Tools > Digital Drop Box > Send File
Filename format is: hw[homework id]_[lastname].[file type]
homework id = 1ab | 1cde
lastname = your last name
file type = zip, doc, ppt, pdf, ps, txt, jpg, gif
John Sung and Karl Lieberherr
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