Winter 97
Project: Generic
Alexander Mechnikov
Alexey Ivanov
Michael Traskunov
g_displayAsTree displays a detailed description of an object
using the object graph notation. If the strm
argument is provided, then the output is sent to the
ostream in the given .I strm, otherwise the output is sent
to the standard output. The object must be a tree object.
That is, it cannot have any cycles or shared subobjects. The
class of the object is displayed preceded by a colon, and
followed by an open delimiter, the description of the compo-
sition of the object, and a close delimiter. If the class of
the object is a construction class the open and close delim-
iters are "(" and ")", respectively, and the composition of
the object is a number of part objects. If the class of the
object is a repetition class the open and close delimiters
are "{" and "}", respectively, and the composition of the
object is a sequence of repeated element objects. Each part
object or repeated element object is in turn displayed in
object graph format in a similar fashion. Each part object
is preceded by a label indicating the name of the part in
the class dictionary that defines the object that contains
the part. If the class of the object is a terminal class
(i.e., Ident, Number, Real, String, or Text), then no delim-
iters are displayed and the composition of the object is
simply a quoted value.
Class Dictionary file:
Behavior file:
GUI Application (source code):
Shell Script that interacts between interface and project application: