com103 , Earn up to 100% return on your investment.

Subject: com103 , Earn up to 100% return on your investment.
Date: Wed Aug 27 2003 - 01:54:35 EDT

Earn up to 100% Return on Investment

Earn up to 100% Return On Your Money Every Year
Work less than 10 hours weekly.

We know it sounds impossible, but it's happening today___and here's where.

In the Merchant Services Business - What's that???? You know - those little black boxes where businesses swipe your credit cards!  That's called P.O.S. - Point Of Sale Technology!  And these numbers are verifiable.

This is a multi-million dollar industry in which our business will supply Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Check Verification, Funds Transfer, Pre-paid Cell Phone, Pre-paid Phone Cards, Bill Payment and many other services for the consumer in the retail environment with plenty of growth ahead.

We will assist you in finding the ideal location in your area to maximize your profit potential.  All you have to do is collect your earnings!

To find out how, with as little as a $12,980 investment you can work less than 10 hours a week and make up to 100% on your money each year, year after year, contact us now.  Hurry-limited territories!

Visit Us Here For More Information

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