Subject: midterm statistics
From: Karl Lieberherr (
Date: Wed Feb 12 2003 - 10:30:39 EST
Enlosed are the midterm statistics. I was hoping you did better.
The D's can still get an acceptable grade with significant effort
by doing much better in the final.
Exams are returned in class today.
-- Karl
Solutions are in:
Midterm Statistics:
9 A
7 B
15 C
14 D
5 F
-- 50Three perfect scores of 131.
Grade ranges:
A : 120 - 131 A-: 100 - 119 B+: 90 - 99 B : 80 - 89 B-: 70 - 79 C+: 60 - 69 C : 50 - 59 C-: 40 - 49 D+: 30 - 39 D : 20 - 29 F : below 20
Only 10 students got question 2 right.
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