Re: hw submission (fwd)

Subject: Re: hw submission (fwd)
From: Pengcheng Wu (
Date: Mon Feb 03 2003 - 14:47:10 EST

You also need to have a simple document file stating what changes you have
done to the original ones, for each part.


On Mon, 3 Feb 2003, a student wrote:

> Pengcheng, I'd like to ask about specifics for submitting my assignment.
> The way I did it: a folder labeled with my name as in the handout, then I
> made several folders for each part - 1a, 1b, and two for part 2, one for
> either the "default" or "other" program. I labeled the output file
> "output1a" "output1b" "output2def" "output2oth"
> Is this good?

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