project progress

Subject: project progress
From: Karl Lieberherr (
Date: Mon Nov 20 2000 - 10:19:48 EST

This is a follow-up to Mr. Paparizos' message.

The due dates for the project are as follows:
Due dates:
1. phase: Nov. 9, 2000
2. phase: Nov. 16, 2000
3. phase: Nov. 22, 2000 (Wednesday becuase of Thanksgiving)
4. phase: Nov. 30, 2000
5. phase: Dec. 6, 2000 (Wednesday because of Reading Day)
Final project: on day of final

Every week a one page report is required. This report
should include all the tests (a pointer to them) that you were running.

Put your project reports in a directory that is readable
by me:



YOUR_LOGIN is your login name. You have to create this directory
if you have not done it yet.

If I need to see how much progress you have made, I will go to
your directory and find out.

If you have the time, it would be convenient for me if phase1
would be an HTML file: phase1.html (the same for the other phases)
and if the file would contain links to the source code and the test
cases you used. But this is _not_ required.

-- Karl L.

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