Subject: Re: hw5 and midterm
From: Karl Lieberherr (
Date: Thu Nov 09 2000 - 10:11:30 EST
The way DemeterJ works is that you need to call the constructor with:
A(bb1, cc1, null)
For each optional part you need to provide a null argument
if the part does not exist.
-- Karl
>From Wed Nov 8 20:24:44 2000
>Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 20:24:43 -0500 (EST)
>From: Shaun Dewitt <>
>To: Karl Lieberherr <>
>cc: Stylianos Paparizos <>
>Subject: hw5 and midterm
>MIME-Version: 1.0
> Dealing with the optional class in the part 1 of the homework 5
>the cd reads A ="a" <b1> B <c1> C [D] "enda".
>with the optional D after looking at the file in the gen directory
>the constructor looks as if it does not deal with the optional part D
>public A() { super(); }
>public A(B b1, C c1, D d) {
> super();
> set_b1(b1);
> set_c1(c1);
> set_d(d);
> }
>why is this?
>would the A( b2, c2, ) work or would that be illegal
>because the constructor is expecting a D object.
>Thank You
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