Subject: Re: Assignment 4
From: Karl Lieberherr (
Date: Fri Oct 27 2000 - 13:10:23 EDT
Hi Jon:
that change was made for next year. You get full credit
for either solution.
Stelios and I did the change because with some UNIX shells,
the cp -r ../* version goes into an infinite loop.
You don't have to change anything.
-- Karl L.
>From Fri Oct 27 10:56:49 2000
>From: "Kelley, Jonathan" <>
>To: "''" <>
>Subject: Change in Assignment 4
>Prof. Lieberherr,
>How come the assignment was changed from it's original form?
>RecursiveCopy was cp -r ../* . and now it is cp directoryname directoryname.
>Which one will we get credit for?
>I have done the first one, and just now I see that it is changed.
>What should I do about this?
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