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I am a research scientist at Facebook, working in Feed Data team.

I finished my Ph.D at College of Computer and Information Science, Northeastern University. My advisor is Christo Wilson. I received my B.Eng. from School of Information and Communication Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.

My research interest is algorithmic auditing. In particular, I aim to improve fairness and transparency of blackbox algorithms of large-scale Web services. Much of my work resolves around networked systems, data analytics and applied machine learning. I have leveraged the findings in my work to improve security, fairness and algorithm performance in sharing economy, security and privacy, and online social networks.


Observing Algorithmic Marketplaces In-the-Wild
Le Chen and Christo Wilson
ACM SIGecom Exchanges, 15(2), pages 34--39, January, 2017.

An Empirical Analysis of Algorithmic Pricing on Amazon Marketplace (Covered by Fast Company, Fusion, The Washington Post, and Motherboard!)
[slides (PDF)] [slides (Keynote)]
Le Chen, Alan Mislove, and Christo Wilson
In Proceedings of International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2016) Montreal, Canada, April 2016.

Peeking Beneath the Hood of Uber (Covered by NPR, USA Today, NBC News, and Fortune!)
[slides (PDF)] [slides (Keynote)]
Le Chen, Alan Mislove, and Christo Wilson
In Proceedings of Internet Measurement Conference (IMC2015) Tokyo, Japan, October 2015.

Tweeting Under Pressure: Analyzing Trending Topics and Evolving Word Choice on Sina Weibo
[slides (PDF)]
Le Chen, Chi Zhang, and Christo Wilson
In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Online Social Networks (COSN2013, acceptence rate = 15.9%) Boston, Massachusetts, October 2013.

Work Experience

Software Engineer Intern at Facebook, summer 2016
- Designed and implemented a generic congestion controller to prevent OOM (out of memory) for the memcache infrastructure, now in production.

Researh Intern at Comcast Labs, summer 2014
- Designed and implemented a machine learning algorithm for entity resolution, now in production.
- Analyzed user TV viewing behavior to detect commercial boundaries.

Professional Activities

- International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 16, external)
- Journal of Network and Systems Management (JONS)