Homework Submission
The following generic guidelines will apply to most homework
submissions and are superseded by any homework-specific guidelines.
A typical homework submission will contain a tarball of all files required
for building/executing the program. Each tarball must also include the
following in addition to any source files:
- A "README" file describing:
- instructions on how to build/run/test the submitted source code.
- (Optional) the limitations, if any.
- A "Makefile" if you are submitting code. It should contain the
following targets at the very least:
- build: builds all required object/binary files.
- check: execute any test runs as mentioned in the assignment.
- clean: removes all object/binary files.
Submitting the homework
- Create a tarball from the "hw1" directory as follows:
tar czvf hw1.tar.gz ./hw1
Alternatively, you can use the make dist
target specified
in the sample Makefile.
- Copy the tarball from your local machine to the CCIS Linux server
as follows:
scp /path/to/hw1.tar.gz CCS_USERNAME@login.ccs.neu.edu:
Notice the :
at the end of the command.
- Next, you need to ssh onto CCIS Linux and submit your tarball using
the submit script:
ssh CCS_USERNAME@login.ccs.neu.edu
/home/kapil/cs5600/homework/submit-cs5600-hw1 hw1.tar.gz
Replace "hw1" with the current homework.
The submit script will generate a message when successful. You should also
receive an email in your
CCS email account
with the same message.