Chiptunes by Jamie Perconti
This page has links to most of my compositions and experiments
using John Nesky's Beep Box tool.
Original Albums
Original Tunes
Sunrise, March 2015,
collaboration with
Jason Reed
Walking at Night, August 2014, background music for my Ludum Dare 30 game
Bursts, June 2014, appeared in Method & Apparatus, Issue 1
Fugue State, June 2014
Concentrate, February 2014,
collaboration with
Escape, January 2014
Igneous, December 2013
Oh This Hat, December 2013, background music for my Ludum Dare 28 game
Pace, September 2013
From Home To Home, August 2013
Cauldron, July 2013
Grip, May 2013
Untitled, beep boop
Untitled, cute little tune
Untitled, fanfare
this melody gets into my head all the time so I put it in a computer
Untitled, little fugue
Untitled, gradually-building march
Untitled, collaboration with
Chris Martens
Signal Interference (original)
Untitled, madrigal
Untitled, beep boop triples
Untitled, strife
Untitled, my first chiptune
Chip1, from Chip's Challenge soundtrack, composer unknown
Predestined Fate, from PPPPPP (soundtrack to VVVVVV) by Magnus "Souleye" Palsson
Lonely Town, from Soul Blazer soundtrack by Yukihide Takekawa
Denn das Gesetz, from Jesu, Meine Freude by Johann Sebastian Bach
Balrog's Theme, from Cave Story soundtrack by Daisuke "Pixel" Amaya