Research Papers
Electronic versions of all the papers are on Blackboard.
Papers in bold are required reading and you must take and hand-in notes on them and hand them in at class. Not all papers that are required have formal presentations but they will be discussed in class.
Ethnography (Week 3)
- Unruh et al., Transforming Clinic Environments into Information Workspaces for Patients, CHI 2010
- Hinman and Matovu, Opportunities and Challenges for Mobile-based Financial Services in Rural Uganda, CHI 2010
- Swan and Taylor, Notes on Fridge Surfaces, CHI 2005
- Odom, Zimmerman and Forlizzi, Teenagers and Their Virtual Possessions: Design Opportunities and Issues, CHI 2011 (Presenter: Nanda Kishore Bhat)
Health interfaces #1; Older Adults (Week 4)
- Choe et al., Opportunities for Computing Technologies to Support Healthy Sleep Behaviors, CHI 2011 (Presenter: Ghanshyam Bhatt)
- Purpura et al., Fit4Life: The Design of a Persuasive Technology Promoting Healthy Behavior and Ideal Weight, CHI 2011 (Presenter: Xueming Wu
- Keyani et al., DanceAlong: Supporting Positive Social Exchange and Exercise for the Elderly Through Dance, CHI 2005 (Presenter: Milesh Nima)
- Chu Yew Yee et al., Investigating Narrative in Mobile Games for Seniors, CHI 2010
- Optional:
- Piper, Campbell, Hollan, Exploring the Accessibility and Appeal of Surface Computing for Older Adult Health Care Support, CHI 2010
- Bickmore, Caruso, Clough-Gorr, Acceptance and Usability of a Relational Agent Interface by Urban Older Adults, CHI 2005
Interface Design Tools & Toolkits (Week 5)
- Chang, Yeh, and Miller, GUI Testing Using Computer Vision, CHI 2010 (Presenter: Fnu Kiranjit Singh)
- Li, Hong, and Landay, Topiary: A Tool for Prototyping Location-Enhanced Applications, UIST 2004 (Presenter: Lei Wang)
- Kumar et al., Bricolage: Example-Based Retargeting for Web Design, CHI 2011
- Ashbrook and Starner, MAGIC: A Motion Gesture Design Tool, CHI 2010
- Optional:
- MacIntyre et al., DART: A Toolkit for Rapid Design Exploration of Augmented Reality Experiences, SIGGRAPH 2005
- Landay and Meyers, Sketching Interfaces: Toward More Human Interface Design, IEEE Computer 2001
Design Skills (Week 6)
- Dow et al, Parallel Prototyping Leads to Better Design Results, More Divergence, and Increased Self-Efficacy, TOCHI 2010 (Presenter: Subhajit Mukherjee)
- Davidoff et al., Rapidly Exploring Application Design through Speed Dating, UbiComp 2007 (Presenter: Akshay Ajit Sane)
- Brandt, Designing Exploratory Design Games: A Framework for Participation in Participatory Design?, Participatory Design Conference 2006
- Tohidi et al., User Sketches: A Quick, Inexpensive, and Effective way to Elicit More Reflective User Feedback, NordCHI 2006
Health interfaces #2 (Week 7)
- Lee, Kiesler, and Forlizzi, Mining Behavioral Economics to Design Persuasive Technology for Healthy Choices, CHI 2011 (Presenter: Nima Attaran Rezaei)
- Iqbal et all, Hang on a Sec! Effects of Proactive Mediation of Phone Conversations While Driving, CHI 2011 (Presenter: Pulkit Misra)
- Lee and Dey, Reflecting on Pills and Phone Use: Supporting Awareness of Functional Abilities for Older Adults, CHI 2011
- Maitland and Chalmers, Designing for Peer Involvement in Weight Management, CHI 2011
- Optional:
- O’Brian and Mueller, Jogging at a Distance, CHI 2007
- Lee at al., PmEB: A Mobile Phone Application for Monitoring Caloric Balance, CHI 2006
- Shinohara and Wobbrock, In the Shadow of Misperception: Assistive Technology Use and Social Interactions, CHI 2011
- Klasnja, Consolvo, and Pratt, How to Evaluate Technologies for Health Behavior Change in HCI Research, CHI 2011
- Wilcox et al, Characterizing Patient-Friendly “Micro-Explanations” of Medical Events, CHI 2011
- Kaptein, Duplinsky, and Markopoulos, Means Based Adaptive Persuasive Systems, CHI 2011
Graphic Design; Tangible interfaces; Games (Week 8)
- Harrison et al., Kineticons: Using Iconographic Motion in Graphical User Interface Design, CHI 2011 (Presenter: Serkan Okur)
- Badshah et al., Interactive Generator: A Self-Powered Haptic Feedback Device, CHI 2011 (Presenter: Chen Chu)
- Andersen et al., Placing a Value on Aesthetics in Online Casual Games, CHI 2011 (Presenter: Utsav Shah)
- Linehan et al., Practical, Appropriate, Empirically-Validated Guidelines for Designing Educational Games, CHI 2011
- Optional:
- Piper, Ratti, and Ishii, Illuminating Clay: A 3-D Tangible Interface for Landscape Analysis, CHI 2002
- Duggan and Payne, Skim Reading by Satisficing: Evidence from Eye Tracking, CHI 2011
- Levesque et al., Enhancing Physicality in Touch Interaction with Programmable Friction, CHI 2011
- Casiez et al., Surfpad: Riding Towards Targets on a Squeeze Film Effect, CHI 2011
- Tuddenham, Kirk, and Izadi, Graspables Revisited: Multi-Touch vs. Tangible Input for Tabletop Displays in Acquisition and Manipulation Tasks, CHI 2010
- Lee et al., HandSCAPE: A Vectorizing Tape Measure for On-Site Measuring Applications, CHI 2000
Mobile (Week 9)
- Mistry, Maes, and Chang, WUW - Wear Ur World - A Wearable Gestural Interface, CHI 2009 (Presenter: Ashish Jacob)
- Findlater, Wobbrock, and Wigdor, Typing on Flat Glass: Examining Ten-Finger Expert Typing Patterns on Touch Surfaces, CHI 2011 (Presenter: Ankur Verma)
- Williamson, Murray-Smith, and Hughes, Shoogle: Excitatory Multimodal Interaction on Mobile Devices, CHI 2007
- Hinckley and Song, Sensor Synaesthesia: Touch in Motion, and Motion in Touch, CHI 2011
- Optional:
- Patrick, Griswold, Raab, Intillle, Health and the Mobile Phone, AJPM 2008
Anthropomorphic interfaces; Speech Interfaces (Week 10)
- Bickmore, Pfeifer, and Jack, Taking the Time to Care: Empowering Low Health Literacy Hospital Patients with Virtual Nurse Agents, CHI 2009 (Presenter: Yiyun Ma)
- Patel et al., Avaaj Otalo — A Field Study of an Interactive Voice Forum for Small Farmers in Rural India, CHI 2010 (Presenter: Tanmay Pai)
- Vertanen and MacKay, Speech Dasher: Fast Writing using Speech and Gaze, CHI 2010
- Dahlback et al., Similarity is More Important than Expertise: Accent Effects in Speech Interfaces, CHI 2007
CSCW (Week 11)
- Kirman et al., Improving Social Game Engagement on Facebook through Enhanced Socio-Contextual Information, CHI 2010 (Presenter: Aida Ehyaei)
- Mamykina et al., Design Lessons from the Fastest Q&A Site in the West, CHI 2011 (Presenter: Ajit Chakrapani)
- Komanduri et al., Of Passwords and People: Measuring the Effect of Password-Composition Policies, CHI 2011 (Presenter: Dana Lopes)
- Bernstein et al., Soylent: A Word Processor with a Crowd Inside, UIST 2010
- Optional:
- DiMicco, Pandolfo, and Bender, Influencing Group Participation with a Shared Display, CSCW 2004
- Erickson et al., Synchronous Interaction Among Hundreds: An Evaluation of a Conference in an Avatar-based Virtual Environment, CHI 2011
- White, Richardson, and Liu, Effects of Community Size and Contact Rate in Synchronous Social Q&A, CHI 2011
Affective interfaces; Ubicomp (Week 12)
- Diakopoulos and Shamma, Characterizing Debate Performance via Aggregated Twitter Sentiment, CHI 2010 (Presenter: Anurag Agarwal)
- Nacke et al., Biofeedback Game Design: Using Direct and Indirect Physiological Control to Enhance Game Interaction, CHI 2011 (Presenter: Quazi Farhan)
- Puri et al., StressCam: Non-contact Measurement of Users’ Emotional States through Thermal Imaging, CHI 2005
- Cohn et al., Your Noise is My Command: Sensing Gestures Using the Body as an Antenna, CHI 2011
- Optional:
- Sundstrom, Stahl, and Hook, eMoto – Affectively Involving both Body and Mind, CHI 2005
- Nancel et al., Mid-air Pan-and-Zoom on Wall-sized Displays, CHI 2011
Miscellaneous (Optional)
- Chetty et al., Why is My Internet Slow?: Making Network Speeds Visible, CHI 2011
- Huang, White, and Dumais, No Clicks, No Problem: Using Cursor Movements to Understand and Improve Search, CHI 2011
- Kane, Wobbrock, and Ladner, Usable Gestures for Blind People: Understanding Preference and Performance, CHI 2011