Computer Communications
Course Home Page for Spring 1996
Some useful tutorials and references to TCP/IP, Ethernet, and more.
Intro to TCP/IP. An old, but good introduction to TCP/IP. Recommended!
Intro to TCP/IP.
(Same as above, but another site).
Intro to TCP/IP. (Yet another, simplified version of a TCP/IP tutorial).
Ethernet: Access to 10 and 100-Mbps Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 Information
The WWW Virtual Library: Computing, Networking.
(Starting point for exploring many resources about networking topics.)
On Unix, Linux, Sockets, and Ports:
UNIX Programming
BSD Sockets: A Quick And Dirty Primer
Operating Systems Term Project -- BSD UNIX Sockets
Welcome to Linux (Starting point for Web pages about Linux).
Perl Manual (Texinfo version) - Table of Contents
Miscellaneous pointers to related topics, organizations and products.
What is The Internet?
SAIC Security - Security Documents
The IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (A scientific
journal in the area of networking.)
InterNIC Directory and Database Services Home Page
Spanning Tree Home Page
IP-Watcher Home Page
Student Projects for Learning Communication Networks.
ATM, by Ronen Bitan
Ethernet, Token Ring and FDDI, by Shumski Valery & Belyavski Rimma