Think of these pages as my current set of bookmarks, except that I've
made them public, in case somebody else finds them useful.
Table of Contents
- Countries of World, and United Nations and regions
- Ancient History Encyclopedia
Hyperhistory (excellent)
Rosetta Stone translation to English (forgiving all royal debts)
Fall of Civilizations (14 stories of falls of empires)
Gregory Aldrete playlist: The Roman Empire, From Augustus to the Fall of Rome
(by "acclaimed Prof. Gregory Aldrete of the U. of Wisconsin"
in "24 captivating lectures")
Gregory Aldrete: The Roman Empire - Rise and Fall of Ancient Rome | Lex Fridman Podcast #443
(More interview with host, Lex Fridman)
Ed Barnhart: Maya, Aztec, Inca, and Lost Civilizations of South America
Sean Carroll: General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Black Holes & Aliens
Edward Gibson: Human Language, Psycholinguistics, Syntax, Grammar & LLMs
Lisa Randall: Dark Matter, Theoretical Physics, and Extinction Events
Betül Kaçar: Origin of Life, Ancient DNA, Panspermia, and Aliens
Michael Levin: Biology, Life, Aliens, Evolution, Embryogenesis & Xenobots
Martin Rees: Black Holes, Alien Life, Dark Matter, and the Big Bang
Michio Kaku: Future of Humans, Aliens, Space Travel & Physics
Jim Gates: Supersymmetry, String Theory and Proving Einstein Right
- The History of Rome (award-winning podcasts)
Great Military Blunders Lectures (by Gregory Aldrete)
- The History Net
- General History of Africa (UNESCO)
Colonial germ warfare
Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936 to 1938
Slave Narratives: Autobiographies (part of
"Documenting The American South"; e.g.,
a moving
autobiography of Lewis Garrard Clarke from 1845,
or this with picture of Uncle Tom's Cabin)
- Slave Law in Colonial Virginia: A Timeline
- 1669 (and confirmed in 1682, article XXXIV):
Killing one's own slave is legal:
If any slave resists his master or another who is
correcting him and if the slave should chance to die,
then his death shall not be accounted a felony by the
master or the other person, since it cannot be presumed
that aforethought malice (which makes murder a felony)
would induce any man to destroy his own estate.
("if any slave resist his master (or othe by his masters
order correcting him) and by the extremity of the
correction should chance to die, that his death shall
not be accompted ffelony, but the master (or that other
person appointed by the master to punish him) be acquit
from molestation, since it cannot be presumed that
prepensed malice (which alone makes murther ffelony)
should induce any man to destroy his owne estate.")
Slaves and Free Persons of Color. An Act Concerning Slaves and
Free Persons of Color
(North Carolina, from
Documenting the American South, UNC
(exp. concerned with runaways: also, 1826: No emancipated
slave allowed to remain in state, and no "free negro" allowed
to migrate into the state)
Stono Rebellion (1739, South Carolina)
South Carolina Negro Act of 1740 (see page 5)
(owners permitted to kill rebellious slave; slaves cannot raise food,
earn money, or learn to write English)
- Using Primary Sources in the Classroom: Slavery Unit
(with link to
Document 1: John G. Akin, A Digest of the Laws of the State of
Alabama - 1833, Alabama Department of Archives and History,
Montgomery, Alabama)
Alabama Legislature Bans Free Black People from Living in the State
(Jan. 17, 1834; aftermath of Nat Turner rebellion)
Selections from Alabama's Laws Governing Slaves
(from CUNY university, NY; but the original Alabama documents on the
web have been moved)
- Alabama Slave Code of 1833 (S31)
("Any person who shall attempt to teach any free person of color,
or slave, to spell, read or write, shall upon conviction thereof
by indictment, be fined in a sum of not less than two hundred
fifty dollars, nor more than five hundred dollars."; After Nat
Turner Rebellion of 1931, all slave states except Maryland,
Kentucky and Tennessee passed laws against teaching slaves to
read and write)
Florida Memory: An Act Concerning Slaves, Free Negroes and
Mulattoes, Approved January 19, 1828
Southern slavery and the law, 1619-1860
Slavery & the law
The Underground Railroad (by William Still
(African-American Philadelphia "stationmaster" of Underground
Railroad), published 1872; from Project Gutenberg)
- 10 Facts about Washington & Slavery
- Princeton & Slavery
(history of slavery at Princeton University)
"... domestic slavery .... I am a northern man by birth and a
southern man by adoption. In regard to this fearful subject I
speak to you the words of truth, and I hope they may sink into
your hearts. Slavery is not a spot on the sun of our union,
or if one it was planted there by permission of an all just
and overruling Providence, and does not obscure its dazzling
brilliancy. Who does not see in the transplanting of the African
to America, the means of restoring to the degraded descendants of
Ham the benefits of civilization and christianity? ... Liberia
.... whatever atrocities may have subsequently characterized the
African slave trade, ..., it originated with La Casas, a Dominican
monk, and a missionary among the Indians of San Domingo, who,
struck with pity at the sufferings inflicted by the whites upon
the Indians, formed the idea of transplanting to that island
of Africans, whose adaptation to that tropical climate, and a
greater power of endurance, rendered them capable of toil which
the feeble Indians could not sustain. ... in no country upon
the earth is the African as happy, as useful to himself or to
the country he inhabits, as the southern slave. ... It confers
unnumbered blessings upon the black man as well as the white.
Look at Africa! Its miserable inhabitants ... Look at the free
negroes in your own northern states and compare their condition
with that of the southern slaves. The latter protected by law
and an enlightened public sentiment, well fed, and not overworked
(for that they cannot be) eminently contribute to their own
happiness and the country's prosperity. ... They know that
they, and their offspring however numerous will be abundantly
provided for. ... watch closely to condemn the movements of
those, who would convert the jocund laugh, and merry song of the
industrious slave into the demoniac yells of infuriated savages!"
Address delivered at the time of the Princeton commencement for the
class of 1850
by the Hon. David S. Kaufman, Congressman from Texas,
June 25, 1850, Princeton University
David S. Kaufman was of German Mennonite ancestry.)
The Black Jacobins
(history of Haitian slave revolt, by C.L.R. James)
South Carolina Declaration of Secession, 1860
(South Carolina was the first state to secede from the union.)
President Woodrow Wilson as racist (After the Civil War,
federal government was desegregated; but 50 years later Wilson
resegregated it, and fired 15 of the 17 black supervisors in
the federal government and replaced with white supervisors.)
The Silent South: The Freedman's Case in Equity and the Convict
Lease System by George W. Cable, 1907 (first edition: 1889)
"... while those who were under sentences of ten years And over
numbered 538, although ten years, as the rolls show, Is the
utmost length of time that a convict can be expected to Remain
alive in a Georgia penitentiary. ... In Georgia outside her
prisons there are eight whites to every Seven blacks. Inside,
there are eight whites to every eighty Blacks."
Orangeburg Massacre, Feb. 8, 1968 (mostly black
protesters against a segregated bowling alley; 3 killed, 32
injured by South Carolina Highway Patrol at South Carolina State
University; a jury spent two hours to decide that the killings
were justified because the police were in fear of danger from
the unarmed protesters)
The Black (761st Tank) Battalion that rescued Tony Blinken’s stepfather
(southern racist discrimination, Battle of the Bulge,
liberated the concentration camp Gunskirchen, and there are
some stories about Black American soldiers at the liberation
of Dachau; Jackie Robinson briefly served with the 761st)
Tha Armenian Genocide (1915-16): Overview (U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum:
between 664,000 and 1.2 million killed;
The Forty Days of Musa Dagh is a novel written by Werfel (Austrian Jew)
to memorialize the genocide)
Testimony of Survivors; The Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders
- American Prison Writing Archive
- Short history of Angola prison: A slave plantation converted into a prison
- Equal Justice Initiative
- The Murder of Emmet Till (Approved Killing in Mississippi)
(full story by Look magazine, based in part on interview with the
murderers; the modern-day memorial sign for Till is repeatedly shot
with bullet holes)
Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch in 1923 (The History Place)
(eerie parallels with the modern march on the U.S. Capitol building:
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.")
The Rise of Adolf Hitler (The History Place)
Nazis: The Road to Power Excellent!
(16 podcasts with excellent acting, showing the steps to power
and the thought processes of the Nazi politicians/activists;
some parts are reminiscent of some anti-democratic movements
in today's world)
Memory of the Camps (Frontline: "one of the most definitive
records ... of Nazi death camps")
I Have a Message For You (extraordinary story of one of
the people on the train from France to Auschwitz)
- Japanese Wartime Atrocities (biological warfare)
Internet Modern History Sourcebook
- American Rhetoric: The Power of Oratory in the United States
(audio and transcripts)
The secret deportations: how Britain betrayed the Chinese men
who served the country in the war
Behind the Bastards (bad people in history)
Study of Robert Pape/CPOST on domestic terrorism
(Study of Capitol insurrection from Apr. l6, 2021)
- Harlem Children's Zone
(inspiring "conveyor belt" education model, led by
Geoffrey Canada)
Sold a Story: How Teaching Kids to Read Went So Wrong
- Maps
- Other Languages
Voynich Manuscript (medieval manuscript in an unknown
language, code, or babble)
- Dictionary - online translation
(many languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Chinese,
- Free Translation
(among English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese)
- Translating dictionaries
- Babylon dictionary and translator
(including crossword solver)
International characters using "compose" key (or
right windows key???)
- Foreign Language Learning Online
- FSI Language Courses
(Foreign Service Institute, developed by US government,
in public domain; alt from; alt from
- SERVAS international
(visiting in different countries)
- Chinese
- French
- German
- Greek
- Spanish
- Russian
- Yiddish
Nostratic family
- Online Etymology Dictionary
- World Wide Words (etymologies)
Joule Solar Fuel (converts CO2 source into Ethanol, etc.,
without need for biomass)
- Konarka Technologies
(polymer solar cells that one can roll up and carry around)
- History
- Entertainment
- Other fun stuff
Detailed stuff
- Index Mundi
(Country profiles)
- The Virtual Tourist - World
(web servers by geographical location)
- Country Studies
(comprehensive, from Library of Congress)
Largest Military Expenditures (, 2013)
- United Nations
Current National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates
(Bureau of Labor Statistics)
- COVID-19 statistics
(New York Times, county- and state-level statistics with date,
cases, deaths)
- Statistics - OECD
The US has a lot of money, but it does not look like a developed country
(, March, 2017)
Country statistical profiles: Key tables from OECD (excellent!;
does include Brazil, China, India, Russia)
- Directorate for Education
and Skills
Population with tertiary education (by age; OECD)
Trends in top five causes of death for children
Top 10 Chinese cities by urbant resident population
China has over 47 mln higher-education students in 2023
China’s 100 Richest (Forbes)
U.S. continues to slip behind other countries in percentage of
population with degrees (; Jan., 2019)
World Population Review
The Global State of Democracy Report 2021
Democracy Index 2021 (by The Economist magazine)
Index Index - Index on Censorship
- List of countries by tertiary education attainment
- Infant mortality rate
Maternal mortality rate (select "Download data" for further details)
- Education at a Glance 2013, OECD Indicators
(click on "READ"; including previous years; China, Russia, India,
Brazil not included in OECD; US is #17 out of 29 for 2011 for
graduation rate with Bachelor's for young people; US is #22 out of
23 for 2011 in Chart A4.1 - of students who enter tertiary
education, proportion who graduate with a degree is 50%. )
Education at a Glance, OECD
Sustainable Development Report
(performance of all 193 UN Member States in
(Sustaiable Development Goals))
GINI coefficient of inequality (OECD countries)
GINI index of inequality (United States, 1974 - 2020)
Education at a Glance 2024
Country Notes (2014)
Statistical Resources on the Web
UN Statistics
- United Nations
World Population Prospects
U.S. population growth has nearly flatlined, new census data shows (Dec., 2021)
U.S. religion (decennial census) (largely based on who actively attends a house of worship)
2022 PRRI Census of American Religion (largely based on self-identified religious affiliation)
U. N. Statistics Division -- Millenium Indicators
OECD: A Family Affair: Intergenerational
Social Mobility across OECD Countries
- State of the Nation (2-25) (but does not discuss social mobility:
"Do you believe your child will live at least as well as you?")
- The Hamilton Index, 2023: China Is Running Away With Strategic Industries
The World Factbook (CIA)
Nationmaster - Country comparisons
Global Innovation Index 2020
- Country Rankings
(per capita GDP, oil exports, consumption, etc.)
- CEIC data (country indicators)
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) (trading bloc
with China, Japan, South Korea, and 12 other countries)
Inequality index (based on Gini index of World Bank)
- Pocket Piketty: A Handy Guide to Capital in the Twenty-First Century
(by Jesper Poine; summary of history of inequality)
- Economic indicators
Middle Class (statistics by Pew Research Center)
A Closer Look at How Religious Restrictions Have Risen Around the World>a?
(annual report from 2007 to 2017; and maybe stopped publishing after that?)
- Global Wealth Report (Crédit Suisse)
Worldwide auto production statistics (2022)
(and alt)
Global Auto report (auto sales by ScotiaBank)
Electric Car Use by Country
World Top Automobile Companies List
Federal Vehicle Standards | Center for Climate and Energy Solutions:
- Jose Pontes: electric vehicle news
- Zachary Shahan electric vehicle news
- Maximilian Holland electric vehicle news
Michael Barnard: electric vehicle news
- BYD God’s Eye Brings ADAS To The Masses (Feb., 2025)
(and alt)
- CnEvPost - China EV News
- TechNode - Latest China Tech Trends
- Caixin articles (often on hi-tech)
(known for
"investigative journalism"?;
In Jan., 2025, they offered $200/yr subscription for Caixin and Wall Street Journal, combined)
(use Google translate for English view)
Multisectoral drivers of decarbonizing battery electric vehicles in China
IEA (Integrating Solar and Wind: 2024)
(page 67: Generation profile in California (CAISO) for selected technologies, 30 April 2024)
Autonomous Buses Fueled by Wireless Charging (in Zhengzhou, China,
Feb., 2023)
Electric autonomous flying cars (eVTOL))
(spin-off of EVs, sharing many EV parts, Jun., 2024;
but also see
this pessimistic analysis, primarily considering
American/European eVTOL (but not Chinese) and assuming using
it for mass transportation, as oppposed to luxury and emergency
China intensifies focus on EV battery swapping as CATL joins the battle with NIO (Dec., 2024)
CATL unveils Bedrock skateboard chassis with focus on safety
(Dec., 2024; allows for decoupling of the upper and lower bodies
and parallel development, thus shortening the development cycle)
China is propelling its electric truck market by embracing
battery swapping (Aug., 2023)
Accelerating Electrification: Freight Trucks Will Dominate In The US
(Dec., 2024)
electrified freight trucking)
Europe, China, & India Can Electrify All Rail, Why Can’t The US?
(Feb., 2023; with share of emissions for transportation modes)
1,000-Kilometer Route Yangtze Container Ship With Swappable Batteries (July, 2023)
- China approves world’s first passenger-carrying flying taxi (Oct., 2023, electric autonomous flying taxi, 60 mph, 2 passengers, 20 minutes flying time)
- China's humanoid robot stuns Nvidia and SenseTime with human-like walk (Jan., 2025)
- Super cheap robotaxi rides spark widespread anxiety in China (July, 2024)
- Electric Viking (youtube blogs on electric cars)
- Automobile propre
Green Car Reports
Jiemian "power plant" (EV) news (translate to English)
Jiemian renewable technology news (translate to English)
Jiemian ESG (environment) news (translate to English)
Huodian BJX (thermal power) (translate to English)
- Car News China
- EVMagz -- Electric Vehicle News
Electric Vehicles Archives (Clean@Technica)
China NEV retail rises to 856,000 in Jun, penetration hits
another record at 48.4% (June, 2024)
(or Half of Car Sales in China Are Now Plugins!, from
CleanTechnica for June, 2024)
38% Plugin Vehicle Market Share In China!
(June, 2023)
EVs Take 19.8% Share In Germany — Triple Trouble Hits EV Transition
(June, 2024)
EVs At 24.6% Share In Germany — Tesla Model Y 3rd Overall
(June, 2023)
EVs At 24.1% Share In France — Down YoY As Trade Barriers Kick In
(June, 2024)
- France New EV Record High — Tesla Model Y Bestseller (26.9%, June, 2023)
EVs Take 28.2% Share In The UK — Tesla Still Leads
(June, 2024)
- EVs Take 25.1% Of The UK — Tesla Model Y Overall Bestseller (June, 2023)
NIO to slash workforce by 30% (by 2027) as it bets on robots and AI
(or alt, with fully automated robotic assembly)
Inside EVs - Electric Vehicle News, Reviews, and Reports
- The EV Transition (IEEE Spectrum, 2023?)
The stones in the road for China’s 2025 plan on electric vehicles
(From 2018: "China wants EVs to account for 40 per cent of the country’s auto sales by 2025"; Also, excellent overview of electric vehicles worldwide)
Gasoline demand growth to slow this year on EV growth in China, U.S.
(May, 2024)
Global EV Outlook 2024 (IEA)
- ETP Clean Energy Technology Guide (IEA)
- Global Energy Statistical Yearbook (excellent)
U.S. Energy Information Administration of DOE
End of Cheap Oil (from Scientific American, 1998)
- Mining the Athabasca oil sands (tar sands)
(Excellent! Pictures that tell a fascinating technology story.)
- The other extraction method for tar sands is
SAGD, which is becoming the dominant method now that there
is little remaining tar sands oil near the surface.
The End of the Oil Age (another good overview, 2003)
Another Simmons article
- Twilight in the Desert, by Matthew Simmons, about status of Saudi
oil fields
and one on natural gas (Dale Allen Pfeiffer)
- Future World Oil Supply (presented at Salzburg 2002 Summer
School) (excellent overview)
Hubbert's Peak: The Impending World Oil Shortage
(book with online chapter by Princeton U. Press,
former geology professor)
- ASPO Newsletters (available from
(American Association of Petroleum Geologists)
Speeches and papers of Matthew Simmons
- Regularly Appearing Statistics
- Estimates of recoverable oil
- Beyond Peak Oil
Deepwater Gulf of Mexico 2009 (pdf, from MMS/DOE)
(or alt)
New projects to reverse Gulf of Mexico natural gas declines
(Nov., 2018, EIA Today in Energy)
Wolfcamp play for oil and natural gas in Permian basin
(Nov., 2018, EIA Today in Energy)
Oil in Iraq
Assessing the size and uncertainty of remaining carbon budgets
(2023, By 2029, the carbon budget will be exhausted, and we
are on course for warming above 1.5°C.)
Cap and Trade Archives (Center for Climate and Energy
- RGGI, Inc.
The Reginoal Greenhouse Gas Initiative: an initiative of
Eastern States of the US
- EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS)
California Air Resources Board
- Chinese national carbon trading scheme (China ETS) (Wikipedia)
World Energy Resources (USGS)
- a
BP energy Outlook; 2024 edition (predicts peak oil in 2025)
- Natural Gas Annual
The greenhouse gas footprint of liquefied natural gas (LNG) exported from the United StatesThe greenhouse gas footprint of liquefied natural gas (LNG) exported from the United States
(Eneregy Science & Engineering, Oct., 2024)
A Smoking Gun for Biden’s Big Climate Decision? A new analysis
suggests that L.N.G. exports may well be worse for the environment
than burning [local] coal [due to methane leaks from shale gas
production and LNG transport]. (Oct. 31, 2023;
based on preprint of article by Robert Howarth)
A commentary on “The greenhouse-gas footprint of natural gas in shale formations” by R.W. Howarth, R. Santoro, and Anthony Ingraffea
(Jan., 2012: counter-argument for natural gas, but not LNG
(but the journal also publishes
climate skeptics): Howarth is flawed due to comparing coal and
shale gas by heat value, instead of electricity production;
assumed methane leakage rate (but higher for LNG);
and 20-year time frame versus 100-year);
or this Breakthrough Institute blog by a Senior Fellow
Asserting the climate benefits of the coal-to-gas shift across
temporal and spatial scales (Nature Climate Change, 2019;
analyzes natural gas, but not LNG)
- Annual Coal Report
- World Renewable Production of Electricity
- Global Wind Energy Council
- IEA (International Energy Agency)
Photovoltaic energy (solar electric)
annual reports, 2020)
- PV Magazine
- PV Tech
- China leads global renewables race with record-breaking 230 GW installations in 2023 ("China’s end-user power prices are less than half those in Europe or Australia .... The China power market is now larger than that of Europe and the US combined")
- A Race to the Top: China 2023
(China to meet its green energy targets 5 years early)
- The momentum of the solar energy transition
("a global irreversible solar tipping point may have passed
where solar energy gradually comes to dominate global electricity
markets, without any further climate policies")
- Also, see:
Concentrated Solar Power (CSP)
Solar Power World News (mostly American news)
Solar Energy News (
Solar Energy News
- Solar Daily
(along with Wind Daily, Nuclear Power, and others)
Solar power by country (Wikipedia)
Operable utiity-scale generating units as of December 2022
China aims to start work on 270GW of pumped storage facilities
by 2025
- 'World's largest' compressed air energy storage project connects to the grid in China
(April 10, 2024)
- Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) in China
SolarPACES at IEA)
- CSP News & Analysis (or alt)
- (Also, see SunShot 2030 (DOE).)
- US Electricity Generation (share of renewables, coal, natural gas, nuclear)
Majority of New Renewables Undercut Cheapest Fossil Fuel on Cost
(and full report)
- Energy EfficiencyNewsWind PowerOnshoreSolarUtility Scale
Report: New solar is cheaper to build than to run existing coal plants in China, India and most of Europe
Electricity Data Explorer | Open Source Global Electricity Data
(excellent! Easy to compare fuel source of country/region, and
to compare two regions for use of fuel source)
EIA Electric Power Monthly
(browser of electrical production by energy source)
- DOE offers an energy storage strategy, publishes detailed technology cost estimates (Dec., 2020; $80 per kwh by the year 2030)
DOE: The Goalposts Move: The New Lithium-Ion Standard is An Astonishing $60 per kWh (by some unknown future year) (Apr., 2021)
China: PowerChina receives bids for 16 GWh BESS tender with average price of $66.3 per kWh (Dec., 2024)
- Analysis of why energy transition is not limited by mining rare minerals (Jul, 2023)
U.K. National Grid Status
Nuclear Energy
The World Nuclear Industry: Status Report 2021
(with detailed section on "The Vogtle Debacle":
"Simply stated, it is to develop an unachievable plan, fail
relatively quickly, and repeat the process to develop a new
(and still unachievable) plan.")
The World Nuclear Industry: Status Report 2023
- WNA Nuclear Database - under construction
Physicist MV Ramana on the problem with nuclear power (book review)
NuScale Small Modular Reactor (SMR) (approved, but canceled after $200M invested)
Nuclear power plant retirements in U.S. (Sept., 2018,
EIA Today in Energy)
Nuclear power plant distribution in US (April, 2017,
EIA Today in Energy)
world’s largest nuclear plants differ by age (Feb., 2017,
Nuclear power plant distribution in US)
Peak Oil Barrel
Carbon Brief ("Clear on Climate")
The Climate Brink
OPEC paper barrels
(from Crude Oil Peak)
Green Car Congress (oil analysis, and clean, fuel-efficient vehicles)
The Fraud of Plastic Recycling (The Center for Climate Integrity,
Feb., 2024)
NOAA Climate Services (
- Fifth National Climate Assessment
Today's Climate Archive (Inside Climate News)
World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency
(article from BioScience journal, Nov., 2019; 11,000 climate scientists signed on)
Amazon tipping point: Last chance for action
(ScienceMag, 20 2019)
Mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet from 1992 to 2018
(Nature, 10 December, 2019)
Large loss of CO2 in winter observed across the northern
permafrost region
(Nature Climate Change, 21 Oct., 2019: Arctic is now
a net emitter of CO₂)
State of the Climate (Global Analysis)
(Note: can select specific month, annual, other climate reports)
Global Warming (excellent overview)
CSALT model (accurately models average global temperature as
a function of CO2 concentration and a small number of
of other parameters)
Revealed: Exxon made ‘breathtakingly’ accurate climate predictions in 1970s and 80s
Cyclic fluctuations in the level of the Caspian Sea
(shrinking for 100 years, and then rising since 1980)
Aral Sea (Wikipedia, shrinking by 90% of fourth largest
lake in world)
Marclimate Graphs (excellent overview in graphs of historical
statistics related to climate change)
Effects of climate change on North America in future
Telegraph temperature adjustment claims
(excellent description of how raw global temperature data is
adjusted; in reaction to
Telegraph newspaper claims
that the raw data was adjusted in order to show greater warming)
- Berkeley Earth Surface
Temperature (physicists who went back to analyze surface
temperatures independently of the climatologist study, and
with funding by Novim Group, independent of the traditional
climatology funding sources, headed by Richard Muller
skeptical of global warming (MIT Technology Review))
--- using raw historical data (non-homogenized, unedited),
for five times as many weather stations as the
Global Historical Climatology Network Monthly data set (GHCN-M)
used by many climate studies. The newly developed
mathematical algorithms work on the larger data sets because they
have less need for uniform record length, nearly complete
reference interfals, etc. They conclude a rise in temperature
of 0.7 degrees Celsius since the mid-1950s, similar to that of GDCN-M.)
Understanding the Global Warming Forecast: Our Past and Future
Climate (by Peter Demenocal, Columbia U., Nov. 1, 2005 --
one of the clearest talks on this subject ever)
Changing Planet (popular 5 minute videso from NBC on
science of climate change)
"Can We Defuse The Global Warming Time Bomb?"
(article by James Hansen, Scientific American, Feb., 2004)
The Montreal Protocol is delaying the occurrence of the first ice-free Arctic summer (PNAS, 2023)
BAMS Annual State of the Climate
NASA animations by keyword
- Overview of Arctic story:
- Polar Portal -- Sea Ice Thickness and Volume
Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis (NSIDC)
Charctic Interactive Sea Ice Graph
Ice Sheets Today (NSIDC) (Greenland and Antarctica)
Surface Mass Balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Antarctic Daily Image Update (record lows in 2022 and 2023)
Antarctic Sea Ice Concentration/Extent/Thickness (Zachary Labe)
PIOMAS Arctic Sea Ice Volume Reanalysis
Climage Model Projections compared to observations in the Arctic;
Zachary Labe
(e.g., see first graph: historic forcing of models from 1950-2005,
followed by future predictions from 2006 onward, assuming
extreme high emissions scenario)
CryoSat Operational Monitoring - Sea Ice Thickness
(monthly sea ice thickness, except summer)
- Zachary Labe Arctice Sea Ice Figures
Arctic surface melt indicators
(and other indicators, such as sea ice concentration animation)
- Global Cryosphere Watch (Cryosphere Now)
Daily AMSR2 sea ice maps (AMSR2, uni-bremen)
Arctic Sea Ice Forecasts (Physical Sciences Library, NOAA)
Sea ice extent during satellite era (from 1979 to present, click to expand)
- Temperature Anomalies (Climate Reanalyzer)
(click globe for different views)
Arctic mean temperatures (1958-present) (Centre for Ocean and Ice,
Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut)
- Freezing degree days (CryosphereComputing)
Temperatures in the Arctic (daily, DMI: Center for Ocean og Is,
"Ocean and Ice")
Monthly Reanalysis Time Series
(Change to Variable:850hpa, Month:Jun, Region:Arctic, Plot:
A good predictor of Arctic sea ice loss for season)
Atmospheric pressure in the Arctic (highs and lows) (daily,
DMI: Center for Ocean og Is, "Ocean and Ice")
Arctic Ocean sea floor map
Arctic Ocean sea floor map (another view of the bathymetry)
Arctic Ocean floor (very detailed)
- Dominating Arctic Ocean currents
Windyty, wind map & forecast
Jet Stream Position and Forecast and
alt (Atlantic)
Sea ice temperatures (daily, DMI Sea Ice Portal)
- Arctic temperatures - Zachary Labe
- Arctic weather forecast (based on ECMWF,
Arctic weather forecast (based on ECMWF, new version)
(or here)
Arctic weather forecast (based on ECMWF, old version;
choose "N. Hem.", 500hPa, hours from present: T=low, H=high)
- Polar Met. Arctic forecast (Temp/Wind/MSLP, BPRC/OSU)
- Surface Temperatures Anomaly (animation)
- Polar Portal
(Greenland and Arctic Sea Ice)
- Rutgers Global Snow Lab
(daily and monthly maps, with anomalies; try:
"Daily" -> "Chart Departure")
Energy balance of Earth (Encyclopedia of Earth) (with insolation
Climate and Earth's Energy Budget (NASA site, excellent!)
Arctic Mosaic (LANCE-MODIS) (satellite picture of Arctic ice,
prev/next button shows different days; click on "MODIS Mosaics")
Copernicus Open Access Hub
(Sign up, then choose color product of Sentinel-2a and Sentinel-2b0
Dossier Modèles Numériques (How to read weather maps, French)
Global HYCOM+CICE 1/12 degree page
(Naval Research Laboratory)
Arctic: Global HYCOM (Naval Research Laboratory,
Visualization Service of Horizontal scale Observations at Polar region: (JAXA, choose "Image Select" for different features)
- Sea ice (from MET in Norway;
with Concentration of Arctic ice (daily),
and Edge of Arctic ice (daily)
and Sea Ice Type (multi-year ice, daily))
How does Arctic sea ice form and decay - Wadhams
- Arctic Sea Ice
Charts from Danish Meteorological Institute, 1893-1956
Historical ice maps from about 1900 (English and Icelandic, try Aug)
- Sea Ice Atlas
(1850 - present, near Alaska)
- Historic Variation in Arctic Ice (author seems to feel that current summer melting of Arctic is not unusual by historic standards, but nevertheless a fascinating history of Arctic ice observations from about 1800 - 1900)
- - sea ice
Trends in Carbon Dioxide
(Mauna Loa, 1959 - present)
Trends in Carbon Dioxide for last 800,000 years (NASA)
- National Wave Service: WaveWatch
Sea ice blogs, talks, and general background
- Arctic Sea Ice Blog
- Climate Central
- Open Mind (blog on global
warming by "tamino")
- RealClimate (blog by
climate scientists)
Skeptical Science (Examination of climate change skepticism
- How fast are the oceans warming? (Science Magazine; Jan., 2019;
acceleration measured by latest observational records;
the 2013 int. assessment report (AR5) had disagreement
between model and earlier observations; observations were too low;
three new observational studies in 2017 and 2018 using the Argo
network now have much closer agreement to each other and to the model)
- Antarctica losing six times more ice mass annually now than 40 years ago ( news, Jan., 2019)
C34A-07 - Collapse of Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf by intersecting
fractures. (Invited) (Thwaites ice shelf, the size of Florida,
could collapse in 5 years)
Greenland ice melt at "tipping point"
(Proc. Nat. Academy Sciences, Jan., 2019: "Accelerating changes in ice mass within Greenland")
- The Great White Con:
Putting the Arctic sea ice record straight
(combating misinformation by some newspapers, often with
a touch of humor)
- RealClimateScience (global warming deniers: very funny stuff (like reading supermarket tabloids: "baby born with two heads"), and we now have record cold temperatures that have been falling ever since the 1930s)
- Watts Up With That
(climate denier blog, often emphasizing politics over science;
including things like
History Confirms Democrat's 1988 Senate Global Warming Hearing Got Everything Wrong from Start to Finish; April, 2021)
James Balog: Time-lapse proof of extreme ice loss
(TED Talk, youtube)
Glacier Change: From a Glacier's Perspective
- Debunking Climate Skeptics: Chuck Kutscher, Ph.D. (workshop given for
Colorado State Legislature)
- How does
Arctic sea ice form and decay
Limits of Arctic Ice from 1893 onward
(Icelandic Meteorological Office)
Major Icebreakers of the World (including 5 Russian,
nuclear LNG tankers, can break through 2~meters of ice with
little speed reduction; 5 more planned/under construction
as of May, 2017)
- Historic Variation in Arctic Ice (author seems to feel that current summer melting of Arctic is not unusual by historic standards, but nevertheless a fascinating history of Arctic ice observations from about 1800 - 1900)
General climate drivers
Arctic Map (zoomable and detailed)
Arctic Ice Thickness (Ice Volume --- long-term, arctic ice volume
will be more important than ice extent or ice area)
BBC News on Cryosat (June, 2011; sea-ice thickness map)
- Measurement of sea ice thickness (Wikipedia)
- CryoSat-2
(satellite of European Space Agency, altimeter measures land
and sea ice thickness)
- ICESat (wikipedia,
NASA satellite for measuring ice sheets)
Polar Science Center: Arctic Sea Ice Volume Anomaly, version 2.1
(PIOMAS model for estimating sea ice volume based on
numerical modelling with observations from satellites, Navy submarines,
moorings, and field measurements as input:
In 2010, the September volume (min. volume) was approximately
1/3 of the corresponding mean volume for the same month
over the years 1979-2010.)
DMI Polar Portal (sea ice volume)
(Click on "in English", and then "Thickness and volume" tab,
and then on "Large version of graph"; gray area around the mean
is one standard deviation over the years 2004-2013)
Ice Graphs (from The Great White Con)
Lake Mead Water
Levels (effect of drought; Hoover Dam)
(or alt)
Lake Powell Water
Levels (effect of drought)
Competition between Airbus and Boeing (Wikipedia)
United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Fifth National
Climate Assessment (impact on society:
economy, water, forests, coast, air quality, etc.)
Arctic Report Card (yearly assessment of Arctic)
Interactive map: warmest month of future cities in 2050
(Crowther Lab, based on IPCC optimistic scenario RCP4.5, 1.4°
Celsius increase in global tempoerature)
interactive map)
Find a Car (car mileage and global warming, by car model)
GAP (Government Accountability Project)
(also here)
(Org. for Economic Cooperation and Dev.)
World Bank data
International Federation of Robotics, PRess Releases
(International Federation of Robotics)
MIT Living Wage Calculator
FRED - Economic Research
Unemployed and Discouraged Workers - FRED
Daily Treasury Yield Curve Rates
Since Parkland
(student reporters report on over a 1,000 fatal shootings
of children that occurred in the year after Parkland, because
most such shootings aren't normally reported in newspapers:
working with The Trace,
Miami Herald,
and McClatchy)
Is Automation Labor-Displacing? (statistical evidence that
automation no longer creates new jobs; March, 2018)
(also see Latin America)
IMF (Int. Monetary Fund)
UT Latin American Network Information Center
- Canada
- Latin America
- China: People's Daily Online
- Cuba
- France
- Germany (Yahoo)
- Iraq
Israel - Tourist Information Israel
- >
History of the Jews, Vol. 1 - 6 (by Heinrich Graetz, written
in second half of 19th century, originally in German)
HISTOIRE DES JUIFS (by Hienrich Graetz, originally in German)
- Statistical Report on Arab Society in Israel 2023
("163 localities in Israel (including 13 cities and 68 local
councils) in which the entire population are Arab Israelis")
"the Arab population lives in 134 towns and villages"
"8.4% [of Arabs] live in officially mixed Jewish-Arab cities";
"There are approximately 1,220 localities in Israel")
YHWH’S DIVINE IMAGES: A Cognitive Approach
(by Daniel McClellan; understanding the Hebrew Bible based
on context of society at that time)
- Ha'aretz - English
(excellent, more progressive perspective than American newspapers)
- Jerusalem Post (Israel)
- European laws in some countries forbidding
Kosher meat among Jews
- Letter of Albert Einstein, Dec. 4, 1948, on the visit of Mehachen Begin to the United States
- Israel-Gaza 2023-2024 war (live tracker, Al Jazeera)
- Children and others reported killed as of UN relief agency Flash Update 66 of
Dec. 11, 2023 (unless otherwise noted):
- Gaza Strip children killed: "According to the Government Media Office, as of 18:00 on 23 November, more than 14,800 people have been killed in Gaza, including about 6,000 children and 4,000 women."
("The Ministry of Health (MoH) in Gaza stopped doing so on 11 November, following the collapse of services and communications at hospitals in the north.")
- West Bank children killed: "Between 7 October and 27 November, 231 Palestinians, including 59 children were killed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem." *UNOCHA Flash Update #76, 22 December, 2023)
- David Ben Avraham (He was a Jew killed on March 21, 2024 by an Israeli soldier in the West Bank while he was travelling to Jerusalem for religious instruction. An Israeli soldier killed him, and there were two videos of the killing. The army judge ruled that the killing of the Jew was a "wrongful mistaken killing", and therefore the Israeli soldier had not committed any crime in killing the Jew. Rather, the judge ruled that the soldier had reason to believe that the Jew was a "terrorist". A family court in Tel Aviv ruled that his body could not be buried by his family, and so his body was eventually buried instead in the Israeli West Bank settlement of Har Bracha, 60 miles from his home.)
- Israeli children killed:
- Over 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals have been killed in Israel, including 36 children ... the vast majority on 7 October (UNOCHA Flash Update #66, Dec. 11, 2023)
- Mila Cohen (the Israeli baby that was shot by Hamas through the door of the safe room, and killed)
"Authorities name 351 soldiers, 59 police officers killed in Gaza war" (Oct. 8, 2023)
Israeli officials say 1,139 were killed in the Hamas-led October 7 attacks in southern Israel, among them 695 Israeli civilians including 36 children."
(Dec. 15, AFP News agency compilation from Israeli social security, reported
by "695 Israeli civilians, including 36 children,
as well as 373 security forces and 71 foreigners, giving
a total of 1,139")
Crisis in Gaza: Scenario-Based Health Impact Projections
(6 months at status quo: Feb. 7 - Aug. 6: 66,720 mean deaths,
with 95% uncertainty interval: 48,210 to 193,180)
Israel's Dead: The Names of Those Killed in Hamas Attacks, Massacres and the Israel-Hamas War (about 950 names associated w/ Oct. 7; music festival, civilians, and soldiers; requires free e-mail Haaretz sign-up)
729 names of Israeli civilians killed in Hamas attack (AOAV;
as of Nov. 3, 2023)
- UPDATED LIST: They were taken by Hamas; here are the names and faces (Israel Hayom: Mar. 32, 2024)
"and 3,400 others have been injured in Israel in connection with the Hamas attack" (ABC News, Oct. 17)
"At least 4,834 people were injured on October 7. Dozens of them are still hospitalized." (Times of Israel, Nov. 7)
Names of Palestinian dead, 7--26 Oct., 2023; Palestinian Ministry of Health (2913 children and 4115 adults; 3,129 females and 3,899 males; 212 pages, but volume 2 is missing)
- American citizens in Gaza, not allowed to leave Gaza (Dec., 2024)
- Israel revises death count from Oct. 7 Hamas onslaght, dropping it from 1,400 to 1,200 Nov. 10, 2023
("Haiat declines to elaborate on the record what led to the updated figure, but Hebrew media reporting on the lowered number from recent days attributed it to burned bodies being misidentified as those of Israeli civilians, rather than Palestinian terrorists.";
Israel revises death toll from Oct. 7 Hamas assault, dropping it from 1,400 to 1,200;
and dropping to 1,147 on Dec. 3)
- Other reports of Israeli helicopters counter-attacking starting
in the first hour after the fence was broken through:
"Save us": The Apache pilots who arrived first on the battlefield speak; Hamas deception of IDF helicopters directing pilots on WhatsApp | Air Force on the 1st
Gaza (by Al Jazeera's Investigative Unit, Oct., 2024;
video of 1:20')
- IPC/Gaza: Oct., 2024; and Projection for Nov., 2024-Apr., 2025
(with Special Snapshot: Sept., 20240Apr., 2025)
- "over 15 percent (378,000 people) were in Catastrophe[/Famine] (IPC Phase 5)" (as of Dec. 8, 2023;
from Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC); Famine definition: "the absolute inaccessibility of food to an entire population or sub-group of a population, potentially causing death in the short term")
FOOD SECURITY UPDATE For Internally Displaced Populations in
Southern Gaza Strip
(WFP: World Food Programme)
The IDF publishes a list of block numbers to guide Gaza residents in evacuating the targeted areas (Dec. 1, 2023; from IDF military web site)
`A mass assassination factory': Inside Israel's calculated bombing of Gaza (by Yuval Abraham; Mov. 30, 2023)
("Sources who spoke to '+972 and Local Call' [said] the targets
in Gaza ... by Israeli aircraft can be divided roughly into
four categories: [ (i) tactical targets (armed militant
cells, weapon warehouses, launch pits, observation posts,
and so on); (ii) underground targets (mainly tunnels
that Hamas has dug under Gaza's neighborhoods, including
under civilian homes); (iii) power targets (high-rises
and residential towers in the heart of cities, and public
buildings such as universities, banks, and government offices;
three intelligence source who were involved in planning
or conducting strikes on power targets in the past,
is that a deliberate attack on Palestinian society will
exert 'civil pressure' on Hamas); and (iv) family
homes or operatives' homes (to destroy private residences
in order to assassinate a single resident suspected of
being a Hamas or Islamic Jihad operative; Palestinian
testimonies assert that some of the families that were
killed did not include any operatives from these organizations) ]")
BBC HardTalk interview of former prime minister Bennett
defending Israeli position on Gaza War
- Defense for Children International - Palestine, et al. v. Biden et al.
"... duty to prevent ... the unfolding genocide of Palestinian
people in Gaza")
- Palestine
Congressional Dissent Channel
(anonymous channel for junior staff in Congress (the onew who
actually read the constituent messages); from the Mission
Statement: " dedicated to changing the paradigm of U.S. support
for the genocide against Palestinians in Gaza")
- West Bank settlements
- New Yorker Radio Hour: Aug. 2, 2024
(two books: by Nathan Thrall, American former director of Arab-Israeli Project; and by Raja Shehadeh, Ramallah peace activist, author and lawyer)
West Bank Settlements; Israel Policy Forum (from viewpoint
of American Jewish community; advocating for two-state solution;
e.g,. "Settlements deep in the West Bank in areas slated for
evacuation do not pose a demographic threat.")
- Quick
Facts: Israel's West Bank Settlement Enterprise;
Institute for Middle East Understanding (from
viewpoint of Palestinians and Palestinian-Americans;
e.g., "
More than 1,000: Miles of roads and highways that Israel has built
for the use of settlers")
Knesset votes overwhelmingly against Palestinian statehood, days before PM’s US trip
("The Knesset of Israel firmly opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state west of Jordan. The establishment of a Palestinian state in the heart of the Land of Israel will pose an existential danger to the State of Israel and its citizens, perpetuate the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and destabilize the region,” -- passed 68 to 9, against two-state solution)
A Land for All (proposal for confederation: one citizenship,
two regions of residency)
B'Tselem (Israeli) report: Conquer and Divide (a history of West Bank lands from 1967 to 2015)
a detailed interactive map of West Bank and various land partitions)
- Arab Labor - Season 1
Christians United for Israel | Our Mission ("As the largest
pro-Israel organization in the United States,
with over 10 million members, Christians United for Israel
(CUFI) is ...")
- Israel --- issues of democracy, state, and religion
- Rosa Luxemburg Office
Yeshayahu Liebowitz (influential thinker in 20th century
Israel --- arguing for separation of state and religion)
- Tikun Olam
(blog "promoting Israeli democracy" from a left-wing
perspective; by Richard Silverstein)
Max Blumenthal (blog at Alternet)
- Yesh Din (Volunteers
for Human Rights)
The Killing of Gaza: Reports on a Catastrophe by Gideon Levy
Gideon Levy - Israel News, Ha'aretz; older articles are free to view)
Adam Raz book: "The Road to October 7: Benjamin Netanyahu, the Production of the Endless Conflict and Israel’s Moral Degradation"
(Israeli goal of helping Hamas, to sabotage a two-state solution)
Omer Bartov book: "Hitler's Army: Soldiers, Nazis, and War in
the Third Reich" (World War II German ideology: German army
soldiers fighting for "Shield of Honor" against Judeo-Bolshevik
threat from the East
- Ilan Pappe book: "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine"
Daniel Levy (and Tony Karon; The Nation): "Israel Is Losing This War", Dec. 2023
(Daniel Levy was one of the Israeli negotiators during
the Osla 2 talks); along with:
Breaking the Israel-Palestine Status Quo
(a one-state solution based on "full equality and enfranchisement
for all those residing in the territory under Israeli control
and jurisdiction")
- The Invention of the Jewish People (by Shlomo Sand)
- Pysicians for Human Rights -
Israel (PHCI) (with
Webinar on Sde Teiman detention camp for Gazans)
- Op-Ed: Why ‘Israeli’ is not a nationality
(Israeli Supreme Court decision of Oct., 2013: "The responsibility
of the State of Israel for world Jewry is an important expression
of the fact that Israel is more than just an ordinary democratic
state, it is also a Jewish state. ... For example, the Israeli
penal code applies to crimes that are committed against Jews
because they are Jews even if those crimes are committed outside
of Israel, and it applies to property of Jewish institutions
that is vandalized as well."; and see
Op-ed: Is "Israeli" a Nationality?)
The unJewish State: the polics of Jewish identity in Israel
(by Akiva Orr)
- Israeli Citizenship Has Always Been a Tool of Genocide — So I’m Renouncing Mine
(by Avi Steinberg, Israeli-American author)
Raz Segal, Israeli-American sociologist who had tenured offer at U. Minnesota
revoked for being Jewish, and yet not supporting Zionism
- Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP ("the largest
progressive Jewish anti-Zionist organization in the world.")
- If Not Now
(" movement of American Jews organizing our community to end
U.S. support for Israel's apartheid system and demand equality,
justice, and a thriving future for all Palestinians and Israelis";
audio interview)
- The Forward (since 1897)
- Forest of Noise: Poems
Jewish Voice for Peace
Union Juive Française pour la Paix (UJFP)
Sara Roy (expert on Gaza, at Harvard University)
Gaza’s Gravediggers: An Inquiry into Corruption in High Places">
(to appear, March, 2025)
Arabs outnumber Jews in Israel, Occupied Territories: Official
(Al Jazeera)
Live from Occupied Palestine (many moving pictures)
- 70+
Israel/Palestine Films Available for Borrowing for Free
(JVP Boston: Jewish Voice For Peace)
Checkpoint (documentary in cinéma
vérité, 2003, directed by Yoav Shamir, Eden
Productions; Best Int'l documentary: Int'l Documentary
Filmfestival Amsterdam, and others)
Israel movement that dare not speak its name (Gideon Levy)
- One
state, two states, whatever: Israel, the Palestinians
and the conflict (Ha'aretz)
- 1-State
or 2-State solution? (New York Times)
- Adalah (legal center for
Arab minority rights)
- Abraham Initiatives
("strives to fulfill the promise of full and equal citizenship and
complete equality of social and political rights for Israel’s
Jewish and Arab citizens, as embodied in Israel's Declaration
of Independence")
Israel among the nations: a study
of the Jews and antisemitism (from
Les juifs et l'antisémitisme:
Israël chez les nations)
- Antisemitism
in the United States: Henry Ford Invents a Jewish Conspiracy
- What is antisemitism? (IHRA)
The Jerusalem Declaration On Antisemitism
- Annotated Links
(peace oriented)
- Seruv
(or alt)
- Tikkun
Breaking the Silence (organization
of Israeli soldier veterans, with
Tours- Hebron,
soldiers' testimonies and video
United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict
(led by Justice Richard Goldstone, for UN Human Rights Commission,
Sept. 15, 2009; including issues of international laws)
BBC article on items allowed and not allowed into Gaza Strip
(The Israeli government argues in their courts that they cannot
disclose what is allowed into Gaza because it would "damage
national security and harm foreign relations".
- 5/3/10, BBC, quote from Israeli government;
As of May, 2010, it included "jam, chocolate, wood for furniture,
fruit juice, textiles, and plastic toys.")
- Mideast Web
Anne Frank home page
Association of Holocaust Organizations
- Survivors of the Shoah Visual History
Foundation (founded by Steven Spielberg)
- Nizkor Home Page
(Holocaust documentation)
- #lastseen image Atlas
Antisemitic Legislation 1933-39 (Holocaust encyclopedia)
Aristides de Sousa Mendes (a hero who was a Portuguese consul
in France, and saved tens of thousands of lives)
Chiuna Sugihara (a hero who was a Japanse consul in Lithuania,
and saved thousands of lives)
The Crusades (1095 - 1291) (Jewish Virtual Library)
- Simon Wiesenthal Center
This Week in Palestine
Breaking the Silence
B'Tselem (The Israeli Information Center for
Human Rights in the Occupied Territories: including
Restrictions on Movement; and
an analysis of the current laws as compared to Apartheid.)
Adalah: The Legal Center for Aarba Humanity Rights in Israel
( Adalah
spotlights top five 2016 human rights concerns for Palestinian
citizens of Israel)
Israel: Discriminatory Land Policies Hem in Palestinians
(Human Rights Watch, 2020)
- Yesh Din
("Volunteers for Human Rights", Israeli non-profit)
- HEB2, Experimental Internet
Broadcasting out
of H2 Hebron (collaboration of Israeli and Palestinian
Palestinian web site links (Birzeit University) (also
try this and Palestine Remembered)
Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine (including Palestinians
in Israel)
Trump and Congress: Living Israel to Death
Japan Window
Russia (Window-to-Russia Home Page)
Si, Spain (from Spanish foreign affairs ministry)
United Kingdom
(official U.S. index of government web pages)
United States Federal government
- Federal Statistics
(collected from many agencies)
Statistics Data portal of Center for Immigration Studies
(right-leaning organization? see for higher quality data)
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
Statistical Abstract
- Census Bureau Home Page
International Programs Center
- U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
(with patent search
and trademark search)
- FedWorld Beta Home Page
- Search FirstGov
(Gov Web Pages)
National Technical Information Service
Consumer Information Center (Pueblo, Colorado)
- WOT: Web of Trust
(check out new web sites: users rank trustworthiness)
- Tax law,
summarized by topic (Cornell U.)
State Balance of Payments with the Federal Government
- White House
- U.S. House of Representatives
- The U.S. Senate
Votes in the House and Senate
Office of the Clerke: U.S. House votes and
Recent Senate Roll Call Votes; And look for "Text" tab,
to see the text of a bill or resolution.)
- Thomas legislative information
(with status)
U.S. Congressional Record
U.S. Judicial Branch Resources (U.S. code, judicial opinions, etc.)
Vote Smart Web (info about candidates)
League of Women Voters
Gerrymandering Project
Are Your Neighbors Mostly Democrats or Republicans?
(New York Times app: needs Javascript)
Questions and Answers: Interstate Crosscheck Program & Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) (Advancement Project: voter protection)
some states are now leaving ERIC)
- Crosscheck lists from Georgia and Virginia (see if you would be under suspicion of double voting, and possibly struck from the voting rolls)
- (tracks money
in politics)
Dark Money Basics
(all about super-pacs, non-disclosure ("anonymous free speech"),
and tax-deductibe organizations (501(c)(3) groups))
- POGO (Project on Government Oversight)
- The Intercept
(with weekly podcast,
- HeatStreet/politics
- Democracy Place, USA
- Rishing (daily show from The Hill)
The Hill youtube channel)
- Secular Talk Radio
(or alt; Kyle Kulinski)
- Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
- Operation Ghetto Storm (In 2012, a black person was killed
by law enforcement at least every 28 hours; This report lists
them and those public facts that are available)
- Propublica study: Deadly Force in Black and White
(A black person is 21 times more likely to be killed by
law enforcement than a white person.)
Mass Shooting Tracker
Gun Violence Archive (click "Search Database" in upper right)
15 Celebs You Didn't Know Were Muslim
- Halal in the Family
- Mondoweiss
Election Line (primaries, etc.)
- Media Cloud
- List of United Stated presidential elections by popular vote margin (and see US Presidential elections popular votes since 1900)
- Politics Now
- dKosopedia
(political encyclopedia, progressive point of view)
How Money Drives US Congressional Elections
(by Ferguson, Jorgensen and Chen,
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics)
Impeachment of Andrew Johnson (from Harper's Weekly in 1860's)
- Inflation calculator
IRS Forms and Publications
OpenTaxSolver (free, open source program for calculating
tax forms (federal and Mass., Cal., N.Y., and others;
can be combined with
Fill-in forms)
Turbotax Sucks Ass (how to find the vendors'
free tax web sites, instead of the advertised for-pay sites)
- Citizens for Tax Justice
- LegalZoon
(legal help for filling out legal wills, incorporation, etc.)
- Bloomberg billionaires index
- Nonprofit Explorer (ProPublica: nonprofit tax filings)
NYC Information Page
New England Online
Massachusetts (also see local info)
Martindale's Map pointers
(also see reference,
travel, and
international travel)
Ethnologue (languages of the world)
Language Families
The Human-Languages Page
- Language Exchange (
- Tandem Server Bochum
(free server to match partners for tandem learning by e-mail/IM/phone;
includes links for learning strategies;
summary of pairs matched)
Western European Literature
- Chinese
- FranceLink: Portail francophone
- Wikipédia (encyclopédia)
- Encyclopédie de Diderot et D'Alembert
- Wiktionnaire
- Portail lexical
(avec morphologie, prononciation, lexicographie, étymologie, ...;
du Centre National De Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales)
- Dictionnaire
français-anglais (, excellent!)
Dictionnaires français en ligne
- Dictionnaires
French verb conjugator
French glue words
French cheeses
Courrier International (revue de presse)
- Mediapart
(Site d'information français d'actualités
indépendant et participatif en ligne)
- Les Crises
- Contrepoints
"I Have a Message for You” (13-minute, very moving film)
Le Dessous des Cartes (Arte) (asks for money to hear more
than the first minute)
Arrêt sur Images (Décryptage et analyse
de l'actualité des médias)
- Europe1 (talk radio from France)
(If the embedded player fails to start for you, try
with your favorite player)
- Radio France Internationale (with web player)
- Radio France (French public radio)
- Radio en Montréal
- TVPlayer (British TV; restricted
to Britain)
- Programme TV (Télé (Grille)
- Séries-TV (in France)
(online TV from many countries)
L'Intégrale de Zapping (Canal+)
Les Guignols de L'Info (Canal+)
Les Jupons de l'Histoire
Direct 8 TV live
TV5 Monde TV Online ("Le Journal" uniquement)
TV5 Monde Europe in streaming (avec grille)
TVE Internacional (espagnol)
En directo; La 1 de TVE
- Arte+7 replay (ça
dépend le programme; depuis l'étranger: ARTE journal
ARTE Reportage, et des autres))
- (voir ou revoir les programmes
de France télévisions; seulement en France)
- Les Vidéos (Franc2)
WRN Français (World Radio Network)
France 24 or alt
- LCI (La Chaine Info)
- LCP (Assemblée Nationale)
- RTL (Radio Télévision Luxembourg)
- Rue89 (news magazine)
- What The Fake
(contre la haine, l'extrémisme, et la manipulation en ligne ;
surtout contre l'islamophobie)
Amitié judéo-musulmane de France
- Audio français gratuit en ligne
- SF français
Quarante-Deux - quelques pages sur la Science-Fiction
- Science-Fiction, fantastique,
fantasy - nooSFere, toutes les spheres de l'imaginaire
Les Lectures de Xapur
Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire,
Prix Jules-Verne,
Prix Cosmos 2000
- Quelques auteurs SF préférés
La Méthode scientifique : podcast et réécoute
sur France Culture
Petite Histoire de la Science-Fiction Française et de l'édition de
science-fiction en France de 1371 à 1981
(Jean-Pierre FONTANA ; Grande Enciclopedia della Fantascienza,
Del Drago, novembre 1981)
Paul Bérato (aka Yves Dermèze et Paul
Béra et Martin Slang et John Luck et André Gascogne)
- Philippe Curval
Michel Jeury (aka Albert Higon)
Gérard Klein (aka Gilles d'Argyre)
Christian Léourier
Michel Demuth
René-Charles Rey (aka Jean Mazarin)
- Autres auteurs:
Barjavel (e.g., Ravage),
B.R. Bruss
(surtout ses premiers œuvres;
par exemple Et la Planète Sauta..., et "An...2391"),
Frank Dartal,
Pierre Pelot (aka Pierre Suragne),
SFE: The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction
French Science-Fiction / Science-Fiction Française
(66 livres)
BD : Météor (Artime)
BD : Meteors (séries de 3 tomes, par Fred Duval)
BD : Meteors (séries de 3 tomes, par Fred Duval)
English version (Europe Comics)
- Livres français gratuits en ligne
Tennessee Bob's Famous French Links
Resources for Learning French
- France 2
(Journal de Télématin)
Athena: Textes Français
Encyclopédie de Diderot et D'Alembert
De la Terre à la Lune (Jules Verne)
Association France Palestine Solidarité (AFPS)
Union Juive Française pour la Paix (UJFP)
Tsedek! Collectif Juif Décolonial
- Links for German Language
- Greek radio station
- Russian
- Spanish
- Radio Ambulante
(Excellent; with sound and transcripts)
Máquina del Tiempo (Translates words from Latin to
Spanish, while showing etymological rules)
- Diccionario de la lengua
española - Vigésima segunda edición
Diccionarios de (español, sinónimos,
inglés, francés)
- (e.g. VOX)
El Castellano - Etimología
- (Spanish, German, English, French, Italian)
Types of Spanish Accents - Joanna RantsL
Spanish songs, trabalenguas, fiestas, etc.
- Radio
- Newspapers
Proyecto Cervantes (e otros)
- Cuentos Infantiles
Spanish on-line texts
- Red Mundo Latino
Rincón literario de Sofía
- soc.culture.spain
- soc.culture.latin-america
- soc.culture.mexican
- soc.culture.peru
- Yiddish
Internet Movie Database (see also Local
Music Resources on the Internet
Television (Yahoo)
- Internet Broadcasting
The Boston Radio Archives (and TV);
Northeast Radio Watch for more recent news)
- Radio-Locator
(incl. international, but mostly Radio, not streaming audio)
- DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting,
digital radio on FM))
- DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale, digital radio on shortwave, AM) ; (with current broadcasts)
Mobile DTV (mobile digital TV)
- Collections of audio/video sources
BBC Radio 4 Extra (BBC radio live, or on demand)
- NPR (National Public Radio)
(with archives for
Fresh Air,
Morning Edition,
All Things Considered, and
Talk of the Nation,
Living on Earth,
This American Life,
NPR Planet Money Podcasts)
- Radio Open Source
(with Christopher Lydon)
- WZBC Audio Archive
(Sounds of Dissent, Democracy Now, etc.;
with Listen Live)
- KQED (San Francisco)
Listen live)
listen live)
(with The Connection,
On Point and
live WBUR audio
(or alt))
- or listen on NCPR
(and click on "LISTEN")
- Living Lab Radio (on WBGH)
(or here
- PRI's The World (on WBGH)
News & Public Affairs
- ProPublica
(Journalism in the Public Interest)
- The Center for
Public Integrity (Stories of life in parts of America,
including Abandoned in America)
- Redistricting Litigation Roundup
Brennan Center for Justice)
- Fix the Court (reports on
disclosures, public appearances, etc., of all supreme court judges)
- Democracy Now news
(from the Pacifica Foundation?)
Donald Trump announces launch of trading cards
(ad for, as of Aug. 27, 2024)
Letters from an American (by historian Heather Cox Richardson,
with careful collection of relevant facts on top issues of each day)
- The Dig
(podcasts, transcripts and newsletters with Daniel Denvir)
- Democracy Docket
(with Marc Elias)
(and Democracy Watch with BTC and Marc Elias)
Decoding Fox News (review of Fox News highlights from
a progressive point of view)
Why Is This Happening (weekly podcast)
Christian Right Observer Weekly
-, latest
- acTVism - information that moves
- The Real News Network
American Reformer (including
the State;
views of evangelical Christians, "focusing particularly on
issues facing American Christians, we will seek to contribute
to the reformation of Christian institutions that have become
corrupted by false ideologies and practices ... in the face of
widespread cultural capitulation")
IBW21: Institute of the Black World 21st Century (outgrowth
of 2001 Atlanta conference with 2,500 African-American scholars)
How a Nearly Successful Slave Revolt Was Intentionally Lost to History (Louisiana rebellion, 1811; after the Haitian revolution of 1791--1804)
Nat Turner's slave rebellion (1831, Virginia)
History of the 1st Alabama Calvary (unionist calvary
in Civil War; integrated, black and white)
- Mary Richards Bowser (slave serving the
family of Jefferson Davis in Confederate White House,
while a spy for the Union)
Fort Pillow massacre (1864: union soldiers, divided equally
among blacks and whites, were massacred after surrendering the fort)
Opelousas massacre (1868: one of the reasons for a large number of
Radical Republicans being elected in the 1868 national election)
Colfax Massacre (1873; The Supreme Court ruled that the
14th amendment did not apply to individuals, and so federal
prosecutions of the responsible individuals were not possible.)
Atlanta Race Massacre (1906)
Aug., 1908 -- Springfield Massacre (Illinois)
Houston race riot (1917)
Elaine Massacre of 1919 -- Encyclopedia of Arkansas
Ocoee Massacre (Florida, 1920)
Tulsa, Race Massacre (Oklahoma, 1921)
DoJ Case Study of Tulsa, 100 years later)
Osage Reign of Terror (Oklahoma, 1921-26)
Rosewood Massacre (Florida, 1923)
- Bombings of American civilians by authorities:
Battle of Bair Mountain (1920);
Tulsa, Race Massacre (1921)
Florida's State Academic Standards – Social Studies, 2023
(Grade 5, African-American history) (Interesting to search
on "slave", "Africans", "Jim Crow", "voting rights"; Some of it
is slanted or factually incorrect, such as "the first Africans
brought to Jamestown, Virginia by the Dutch in 1619" -- In
fact, it was two English privateer ("pirate") ships, the White
Lion and the Treasure, which seized slaves from a Spanish ship,
while flying a Dutch flag in order to provide deniability by the
English. Also includes historical discussions of Sumerian slaves,
Indian castes, Slavic serfs, Arabian and North African slave
trade, and slaverry among "indigenous peoples of the Americas
... prior to ... European colonization"; but no mention of the
history of slaves in Greece and Rome, or serfs tied to land in
feudal Western Europe. Also discusses "Muslim slave markets"
based on kidnapping Europeans, but no discussion of "Christian
slave markets" in Florida that were based on kidnapping Muslims
from Africa.)
U.S. Capitol Police officer gives
firsthand account of Jan. 6 attack
- Global Journalist
(focus on parts of the world rarely covered in mainstream media;
produced by faculty and student of Missouri School of Journalism)
- Crooked Media
- Reveal news
(Center for Investigative Reporting)
- ProPublica
(investigative journalism)
(for example, presidential
cabinet-rank and other positions
- The Intercept
("Reporting what the president and Congress do, not what they
- Les Crises
- Radio Open Source (PRI, Chris Leyden)
- The Laura Flanders Show
- In These Times
- Huffington Post Maghreb
- Our Revolution
Bernie Sanders In A Candid Conversation With Sarah Silverman -
- Justice
- Crowd
Dounting Consortium (counts size of demonstrations)
The Dictator's Handbook
- Alternet (Alternative
and Information)
Consortium News (Independent Investigative Journalism
Since 1995)
- Between The Lines
- IPS InterPress Service
(w/ Gareth Porter)
- Free Speech Radio news
- History Commons
("crowdsourcing investigative journalism")
Latifa Al Maktoum - Escape from Dubai
princess and daughter of prime minister of UAE who
was captured and returned to Dubai in February/March, 2018
Indian Ocean by Indian and Emirati ships; Her older sister,
al-Maktoum had been forced into family car in Cambridge,
England, while on holiday in England in 2001)
Khashoggi (assassinated in Saudi consulate in Istanbul in
Oct., 2018)
"Andy Grove: How America Can Create Jobs" in Business Week
(and "
Andy Grove: Knowledge Work Isn't Enough" in Information Week):
Grove argues that as American companies (both large and startup) continue
to outsource, the U.S. supply chain is being replaced by an overseas
supply chain. This means that we can innovate, but we cannot scale
up. Scaling up is where the jobs are. E.g., the U.S. computer
manufacturing industry rose from about 150,000 in 1975 to 2 million,
and back down to 166,000 in 2010. Meanwhile, Foxconn (Hon Hai Precision
Industries) alone employs over 800,000 people. Foxconn employs 250,000
people to build Apple products, while Apple employs 25,000 people.)
- C-SPAN Online
C-SPAN RealVideo and
C-SPAN 2 RealVideo)
- International Broadcasters
- Boston's Yiddish Voice on WUNR 1600 AM
- Yidlife Crisis
(award-winning web series in Yiddish)
- Comics
- Local Information
(Boston area;
Main link is "Yahoo Get Local": integrated source of information;
see also local news and events
movie reviews, TV, etc.)
- White Pages
(phone number lookup, and reverse phone lookup)
- Free Reverse Phone Lookup
Boston Gas Prices
Zhang Yi Yuan Chinese tea
Yami food online; Japanese, but also Chinese/East Asia products)
- Speakeasy Speed Test
(for broadband to Internet)
- Official City of Boston
- Boston Online
- Greater Boston Convention and
Visitors' Bureau info
(w/ accommodations)
- Russian Bazaar restaurant
- Home prices
(, recently sold homes)
SmarTraveler - Boston area traffic (also MBTA delays)
- MIT parking facilities
Parking lots (prices and hours) (e.g., click on search icon,
and type destination address)
- MBTA (Boston mass transportation)
(with weekday outbound schedule for Framingham/Worcester and
- Logan Airport Satellite Parking (or shuttle)
Preflight Airport Parking (Logan) (was Logan Park & Go)
- Park Shuttle & Fly
Logan airport vans (none currently existing, only high-priced
limo companies??)
- Back Bay Coach
(airport shuttle)
- Veterans Taxi
(617) 527-0300 (for western suburbs;
prefer 3 hours notice to reserve a taxi)
- Warning: Knight's Airport Limousine --
means higher limousine prices, not shuttle prices, $110 minimum
for one-way trip as of April, 2009
- Warning: Zebra Airport Shuttle --
higher priced direct service, not shuttle prices
- Discount Airlines
- Airline Customer Service Dashboard (from U.S. DOT)
- Cheap Fares Online
- NOTE: Expedia, Orbitz, and many others often don't list these
airlines. Kayak lists it among available airlines, but doesn't
show fares for it.
EXAMPLE:Southwest Airlines offers direct flights from
Boston to Columbus, Ohio. Most airlines don't offer that.
Southwest Airlines (via Providence, Manchester, N.H., Boston),
America West,
Airtran Airways
- In Europe: (cheap flights, hotels, car rentals)
Transavia (from Amsterdam),
RyanAir (from London),
Brussels Airlines
(from Brussels)
Virgin Express
(from Brussels),
(from Denmark)
Easy Jet (London, Edinburgh,
Milan, Geneva, Bordeaux)
Baboo Airlines (Geneva)
clickair (Spanish web site with
cheap European flights)
World Airline Rating (w/ customer reviews)
- Flight on-time status
- Flightaware
(status and average of last 7 days)
- Wireless passwords from airports
- Swissport
(call them about shipping personal effects (web site meant
for corporations); cheaper because you take it
through airport customs, and somebody at destination
takes it through customs at their end; recommended to us by a
Delta Airlines agent, but phone book or web>Swissport>cargo>country
should get you their phone number)
- Train, bus and plane in Europe
Chinatown bus lines for East Coast
- New York / Boston
Chinatown Bus Info (and
- BoltBus
(new division of Greyhound with economy tickets as of 4/08,
free WiFi on bus)
- Fung Wah
(e-tickets: $15; hourly buses between 139 Canal St/NY and Gate 25,
South Stn. Bus Terminal, 700 Atlantic Ave., Boston)
- Lucky Star
(e-tickets: $15; on-board bathroom; hourly buses between corner of
Chrystie St and Hester St/NY
and Gate 13, South Stn. Bus Terminal, 700 Atlantic Ave., Boston)
Sunshine Travel ($15)
- GotoBus
- (South Station to Madison Square Garden)
- Go Buses (from NYC to Newton and back)
- Megabus Bus (from NYC to Boston (used to be Newton, too?))
- Worldwide Bus
(from Newton/Cambridge to New York City)
Limoliner ($80 one-way, fares subject to change;
large seats, internet access, and maybe meal and movie)
- Official Time
- Weather
- (good descriptions/pictures of weeds and
- Boston Maps
Connections to the Upper Falls Greenway
(from Needham Street, go to Sierra parking lot (Newton Nexus
shopping ctr) and can go to Greenway; cross it and
go to Columbia Ave, for Elliot St, and it will connect
with Eliot Station (but Margraret Rd is a shortcut);
Jiffy Lube/Michaels beyond Sount Meadow Brook as alternative
to Sierra)
Christina Street Rail Bridge across Charles River
(connects to Upper Falls Greenway;
Newton has received federal earmark on Oct. 6, 2023)
Boston Phoenix Movie Reviews
Boston's Hidden Restaurants
- Foreign telephone directories
- Travel reference for other countries
- Wikivoyage (excellent!, wikimedia, non-profit, fork of wikitravel/English in 2012)
- Wikitravel (excellent!, run by "Internet Brands")
- iGuide Travel
(interactive map with descriptions of out-of-the-way places)
- G.A.P. Adventures
(lower cost tours -- find own restaurants, meet local people)
(online phrase books, primarily for European languages)
City Map Sites around the world
Subway/commuter train maps around the world (urbanRail.html)
World Airport Guide
- Excess Baggage Shipping
The Weather Network -- International Cities
Currency Converter exchange rates (
AC power plugs and sockets (Wikipedia)
AmeriCom Country and Area Codes (excellent)
(also describes competitive long distance rates)
ACR International Calling Codes
- Prepaid mobile phones (France)
- Lebara
(free SIM chip; allows free incoming???)
- Virgin Mobile
(apparently allows SAV service (free incoming calls??) for 12 months)
- Rome2rio
(how to get anywhere to anywhere via plane, train, bus, taxi, etc.)
- Booking on SNCF
(excellent summary of options for French trains)
(products with specs)
Time zones, national holidays, etc. for countries
- Local times around the world
- TransferWise
(single bank account w/ SWIFT/IBAN and US ABA routing; exchange money internal to account)
Currency Exchange International (Copley Place, Boston;
web site has coupon for 50% off for exchange fee)
- XE Trade (converts currency
without the typical 3% exchange fee by other methods)
- Best No Foreign Transaction Fee Credit Cards
N26 vs. Revolut (no-fee Internet bank accounts w/ credit cards,
for multiple currencies)
- Hotels
- Taxi fare finder
Investment and tax information
- IRS Tax forms
- Companies Online
(locates URL, given various info about company)
- Federal Express
(can now print airbill on personal printer, x2135 for details at N.U.)
- Better Business Bureau on-line
- 1-800-free-411
(free directory assistance in U.S., in exchange for listening
to an ad)
Compare Prepaid-Cell-Phones (excellent)
Prepaid cell phone reviews
(or this web page)
- Specs and reviews of cell phones
- 10-10 phone rates
- Prepaid phone cards
(can be bought over Internet)
- (comparison,
phone plans)
- Cellmania (somewhat limited?)
- Cell phone rentals
(including short-term)
- call France cheaply
Central Telecom (phone cards inside France)
- Store flyers and coupons
(or alt)
- Mortgage Rates
- Dismal Scientist
(economic analysis and data)
- The Baseline Scenario blog
(with Simon Johnson, formerly (Economic Counsellor --
chief economist) of IMF, and others)
Paul Krugman blog (by 2008 Nobel laureate in economics)
- Jared Bernstein blog
>li> The Trouble With Macroeconomics>a>
(by Paul Romer, Stern School of Business, New York University; 2016)
- Levy Economics Institute of Bard College
- The Economist
- Current Economic Data
BBC Global Business and
BBC Business Report (Realaudio)
- Marketplace/RealAudio
- Yahoo financial pages
(and quotes)
- Nasdaq (quotes and data for
Nasdaq, NYSE, AMEX)
- Hoover's
Thomson I-Watch (institutional selling/buying)
SchaeffersResearch, options
- Clearstation (tech. anal.)
Silicon Investor
- FINWeb Home Page
- SEC EDGAR Database
(and search
or Free Edgar)
Virtual International Business and Economic Sources
Economics resources
- CompaniesOnline
- Fortune 500
(w/ customizable search; but lots of cookies, can crash browser)
- Forbes 400 richest American
Democracy at Work
- Richard D. Wolff
- Michael Hudson (economist;
Michael Hudson, Wikipedia)
- Employee Ownership of Corporations:
- Health
- Reference
(My Virtual Reference Desk)
(also see travel,
international travel and see
Local info for maps, yellow pages,
phone books, etc.)
- Yahoo reference
- almanac, atlas,
timelines, etc.
Encyclopedia Brittanica Online
(available from Northeastern University only)
- Encyclopedia Brittanica
from 1911 (free access)
- Catalogue of life
(common names and scientific names of species in many languages)
Funk and Wagnalls Encyclopedia
- Compton's Encyclopedia
Concise (abridged) Encarta Encyclopedia
- from Electric Library
(from Concise Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, abridged form is free)
InfoTrac (NU/MLIN only)
- PC Webopaedia home page
(Concise PC Encyclopedia with excellent links for PC technology)
- Information Please (almanac)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
American Heritage Dictionary (with excellent articles
on language, lots of cookies, pop-up windows)
ARTFL Project: Roget's Thesaurus search form
Queequeg (a tiny English grammar checker;
recognizes text. LaTeX, and HTML)
Bartlett's Quotations
Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr.
Zip codes, Zip+4 addresses (U.S. Post Office)
Package tracking (FedEx)
Package tracking (UPS)
-'s Fast Area Code Look-Up
Telephone Country Codes (and City codes)
(or alt)
NTC U.S. Phone Number Lookup (given number, displays town)
- White pages/e-mail finder
- (practice SAT tests, etc.)
- Average SAT scores
for Colleges
Top 500 Ranked Universities for Highest SAT 75th Percentile Scores
U.S. University Directory - Top Universities (detailed
statistics on 500 universities)
Ranking of Research Universities (by The Center)
- Princeton review (of Colleges)
College Scorecard (for American universities, with tuition
costs and income results, from federal Dept. of Education)
Free College: Here to Stay?
(analysis of 6 "Promise" programs for free tuition for
community colleges in six southern states)
Community college in the U.S.: search on 2010s: the Great Recession and austerity
(partial early history of free community college, up to 2015)
- Net Price Calculator Information Center (online estimate of university tuition cost after scholarshps)
- Northeastern University/Outcomes/Load debt (and similar information for other universities)
Northeastern University/London (an example of the many campuses at Northeastern U.;
click on "Explore your course options"; or go to bottom of page
for any campus, and click on another campus; or
- U.S. News & World Report rankings
- The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Learning: Northeastern University
Washington Monthly College Guide (different type of ranking,
looking for objective statistics)
Best Arab Universities for Computer Science (U.S. News & World Report rankings)
QS Top Universities: Rankings Lists
(Enter subject, C.S., and then enter region (e.g., Asia))
- Center for World University Rankings
(quanitative formula)
World University Ranking (Times of London)
- Distribution of Top 500 universities in the Unites States and China, 2010--2020)
- The Global Distribution of STEM Graduates: Which Countries Lead the Way? (Nov., 2023; STEM graduates: China: 3.6 million; United States: 0.8 million; from OECD, although the Chinese STEM category is broader)
- Coursera (company with
consortium of universities offering distance learning courses)
- (company with consortium of
universities offering distance learning for credit during a semester
when university-registered students won't be in residence)
David Szatmary (U. of Washington "Educational Outreach")
- History of the Bankruptcy Discharge for Student Loans
(read lower down for changes and years)
- Higher Education Amendments of 1998 (P.L. 105-244):
Student loans can no longer be discharged in bankruptcy after
7 years in repayment
BAPCA law (2005): student loans generally cannot be discharged through
Trump administration seeks comment on student loan bankruptcy
- Higher education: On the lookout for true grit
(article from Nature: an experiment at Fixk in which 80% of minorities
completing a B.S. went on to doctoral studies)
- A test that fails (De-emphasizing the GRE for PhD admissions
allows more well-qualified women and minorities to enter.)
- Independent 529 Plan (prepaid tuition)
Universities around the world
- Excite Home
(travel and other)
- Consumer World
IWR (Internet Weather Report)
(and another by ISP)
Other fun stuff: