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CSU540 - Computer Graphics (Undergraduate) - Fall 2005

College of Computer & Information Science

Northeastern University -- Professor Robert P. Futrelle

Updated 28 November 2005

URL of this page:


This course builds on your knowledge of programming, data structures and algorithms and linear algebra to introduce the foundations of computer graphics. And of course it gives you lots of opportunities to produce your own graphics for display. Use the informational and resource links at the left to get to other important information.

Status of this website, as of 28 November 2005

All that is left is to describe what will be on the Final Exam. For the curious, similar but earlier graphics course sites by Professor Futrelle can be found through his Teaching Gateway page, e.g., CSU540 and CSG140.

News and Notes

28 November 2005: Full description of SP3, "Shadows", is available. It is due 11:59pm, Wednesday, December 7th. Access it here.

8 November 2005: Preliminary notes on SP2, "Fancy Models", are available to help you get started. Access them here.

26 October 2005: Semester project due 11/3. Midterm 11/16. Quiz 2, 11/30. More details in this email and in the link to the Semester Project on the Assignments page.

15 October 2005: Twenty earlier graphics exams have been posted. Access them in PDF format here.

11 October 2005: The third programming assignment is due by the end of Thursday, Oct 20th. Follow the Assignments link to the left.

25 September 2005: The second programming assignment is due by the end of Thursday, Oct 6th. Follow the Assignments link to the left.

10 September 2005: A number of the course pages have been updated and some new ones added. Browse the site, looking in particular and the Schedule, Assignments, and Exam pages, and links from them.

Important start-up news, September 2005:

Linear algebra is a prerequisite for this course. You will have to be able to do vector and matrix computations on paper (on exams) as well as develop code that implements linear algebra based algorithms.

All programming assignments handed in for this course will be required to execute as Java code on the College's Solaris systems. Only these versions will be graded. Develop the code in any way you like, but what is handed in must be Java that you have successfully run on the College's system. (Exceptions will be carefully proscribed.)

All email to Professor Futrelle about this course must have a Subject line beginning with "csu540f05". Any email not conforming to this rule will normally be discarded(!) If answered, the reply will simply request that you resend it with a proper subject line. (Email to the class mailing list will have a proper subject line inserted automatically.)

This course website is built on the graphics course site, Spring 2005. Occasional earlier-dated material may have been accidentally included. If any of it is a problem, please notify me.