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CSU520 Artificial Intelligence -- Spring 2006

College of Computer & Information Science

Northeastern University -- Professor Robert P. Futrelle

Site updated 7 March 2006

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The official course description: intelligence field. Includes heuristic search; knowledge representation using predicate calculus; automated deduction and its applications; planning; machine learning. Additional topics may include game playing; uncertain reasoning and expert systems; natural language processing; logics for common-sense reasoning; ontologies; multi-agent systems. Prerequisites: CSU212, PHLU215 (Symbolic Logic).

News and Notes

7 March 2006: Assignment #3 has also been posted on the Assignments page. This is based on Section V of AIMA, Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning.
DUE DATE: Wednesday, March 29th.

6 March 2006: The remainder of Assignment #2 has been posted on the Assignments page. (The info had already been sent in email to the class on 2/27.)
DUE DATE: Wednesday, March 22nd.

12 February 2006: A new link has been added on the left to Natural Language Processing, NLP. There are quite a number of up-to-date resources listed and linked there. I've added this because there are a number of students in the courses who are interested in an NLP project.

15 January 2006: The site is fully fleshed out for now - the links on the left are all live.

8 January 2006: The CSG120 grad course pages are more complete at the moment, so refer to them for information not on this CSU520 site. The work required for CSU520 will basically be a subset of what's required for the grad course, CSG120.

28 December 2005: The two AI courses, CSU520 and CSG120 will be taught separately but in synchrony. The topics covered in the two will be quite similar, but the depth of treatment, assignments, and exams will differ between them.