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CSG120 Artificial Intelligence -- Spring 2005

College of Computer & Information Science

Northeastern University -- Professor Robert P. Futrelle

Site updated 17 April 2005

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The official course description: This course introduces the fundamental problems, theories and algorithms of the artificial intelligence field. Topics covered include: heuristic search and game trees; knowledge representation using predicate calculus; automated deduction and its applications; problem solving and planning; introduction to machine learning. Required coursework includes the creation of working programs that solve problems, reason logically, and/or improve their own performance using techniques presented in the course. Prerequisite: Lisp or Java programming. (Lisp or Scheme preferred!)

News and Notes

17 April 2005: The review for the Final Exam has been posted here.

28 March 2005: Additional major changes have been made to the course. Note that changes referencing Chapter 17 were posted for about eight hours, but have been corrected to reference Chapter 16. This affects Assignment 4, the weekly reports and the Final Exam.

  • Assignment #4 has been added to help with the Final Exam. Due 4/12/05 11:59pm.
  • Your last in-class project presentation has been rescheduled to the first half of the last class, April 14th. (on the Schedule page).
  • What you are to write about in your weekly reports is specified through to the end of the course on the Schedule page.

27 March 2005: The Exam page have been updated and amended. For example, a copy of the Midterm has been posted for your convenience and for anyone else browsing the site.

13 Feb 2005: A page on Prolog and automated theorem provers has been posted. You can also use the link to the left.

10 Feb 2005: Assignment #3, AIMA - logic, has been posted. It is due in hardcopy in class on the 17th.

23 Jan 2005: The next weekly report, which would normally be due Tuesday evening the 25th, has been postponed for a week until February 1st. That report should be more extensive than a normal one, since it will cover two lectures worth of material rather than one. See the Syllabus/Schedule.

23 Jan 2005: The Syllabus/Schedule has been updated to reflect the focus on knowledge and reasoning for the next three lectures, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10. Initially, it describes the AIMA portion. Notes on PAIP will be added.

5 Jan 2005: Please sign up as soon as possible for the mailing list. Doing so will allow you to receive important news and updates about the course. The sign-up information is available on the course Information Page. The archives can be read via the Mailing list archives link on the left.