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COM1370 -- Computer Graphics -- Spring 2003

College of Computer & Information Science

Northeastern University -- Professor Robert P. Futrelle

(Updated 1 June 2003)

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This course builds on your knowledge of programming, data structures and algorithms and linear algebra to introduce the foundations of computer graphics. And of course it gives you lots of opportunities to produce your own graphics for display. Use the informational and resource links at the left to get to other important information.

News and Notes

News 6/1/03: Information about the Final Exam, to be given on Tuesday 6/3/03 has been posted. Click the Exams link to the left, or this identical one. Or go directly to the Final Review note.

News 5/13/03: Information about Quiz #2, to be given (rescheduled) on Wednesday 5/21/03 posted. Click the Exams link to the left, or this identical one.

News 5/13/03: All student public project reports pages now posted and accessible through the Student Reports link on the left or directly here.

News 4/19/03: Information about the Midterm Exam, to be given on Thursday 4/24/03 posted. Click the Exams link to the left, or this identical one.

News 4/6/03: Information about Quiz #1, to be given on Wednesday 4/9/03 posted. Click the Exams link to the left, or this identical one.

News 4/6/03: Look at the ShapesDraw folder in the Example Code link to the left, described as follows:
"This demo for Paths and Fills modifies a copy of the SimplestDraw demo to show the drawing and filling of a triangle as well as a simple, non-matrix-based translation of the points making up a rectangular shape."
Note that it has JavaDoc pages associated with it.

Example code for simple static drawing and for simple animation loop (click to pause or continue) was posted earlier. See the Example code link on the left.