Note that the grammar is followed by definitions of some Lisp functions called during parsing, especially to deal with the details of arrow-points (arrowheads).
;;;-*- Mode: Lisp; Package: DUS -*- ;;; ----------------------------- ;;; ;;; Nikos Nikolakis ;;; ;;; created: Oct. 1994 ;;; last update: 2/28/95 ;;; ----------------------------- #| An effort to parse a diagram through a declarative approach. This grammar works fine for diagrams with non-overlapping axis. The grammar has been extended to handle special cases like annotations, key-specifications and other objects inside a diagram. |# (defvar *tiny* 35) ; it specifies the coincide predicate (old value 20) (setf *grammar* ;; grammar object (defgrammar ;;; ****************** < Image > ****************** ( Image -> Set ( Diagram ) ); ;;; ****************** < Diagram > ****************** ( Diagram -> Axis X-Axis Y-Axis Data (Axis) (X-Axis ($ :axis Axis)) (Y-Axis ($ :axis Axis)) (Data ($ (difference* (contain Axis '?) (union* X-Axis Y-Axis)) :x-ln (ln (X-Line Axis)) :y-ln (ln (Y-Line Axis)) :axis Axis)) ); ;;; ****************** < Axis > ****************** ( Axis -> X-Line Y-Line (X-Line) (Y-Line (touch (left-endpoint X-Line) '?) :constraints (coincide (left-endpoint X-Line) (bottom-endpoint Y-Line))) ); ( X-Line -> Line (:additional-slots (left-endpoint . (left-endpoint (Line self))) (ln . (a-length (Line self)))) (:constraints (horizp Line) (long Line)) ); ( Y-Line -> Line (:additional-slots (bottom-endpoint . (bottom-endpoint (Line self))) (ln . (a-length (Line self)))) (:constraints (vertp Line) (long Line)) ); ;;; ****************** < X-AXIS > ****************** ( X-Axis -> X-Axis-Line X-Ticks X-Labels X-Annotation X-Text (:optional X-Annotation X-Text) (X-Axis-Line (X-Line (get-val axis))) (X-Ticks ($ :x-line X-Axis-Line) :constraints (>= (size X-Ticks) 3)) (X-Labels (below '? X-Axis-Line :strip t)) (X-Annotation (difference* (near X-Axis-Line 700) (union* X-Ticks X-Labels))) ; label-size (X-Text (near&below '? X-Labels (* 2 (height X-Labels))) ) ) ( X-Ticks -> X-or < (Own-X-Ticks (touch '? (get-val X-Line))) (Remote-X-Ticks (below '? (get-val X-Line) :strip t)) > ); ( Own-X-Ticks -> Set ( Line ) (:element-constraints (vertp Line) (short Line) (not (polylinep Line)) (< (distance (endpoints Line) (Line (get-val X-Line))) (max (* (a-length Line) .25) *tiny*))) (:constraint horiz-aligned-gen) (:largest t) ); ( Remote-X-Ticks -> Set ( Line ) (:element-constraints (vertp Line) (short Line) (not (polylinep Line))) (:constraint horiz-aligned-gen) (:largest t) ); ( X-Labels -> Set ( Text ) (:element-constraints (horizp Text) (numeric-textp Text) ) (:constraint horiz-aligned-gen) (:largest t) ); ( X-Text -> Text (Text :constraints (horizp Text) (not (numeric-textp Text)) :select (max (text-length Text))) ); ;;; The arrow points to the X-line (=> we don't need the pointed-gos ( X-Annotation -> Arrow Text-set (:optional Text) (:non-sharable Arrow Text-set) (Arrow) (Text-set (near (leave-pt Arrow) (* 3.5 (ln Arrow)))) ); ;;; ****************** < Y-AXIS > ****************** ( Y-Axis -> Y-Axis-Line Y-Ticks Y-Labels Y-Text (:optional Y-Ticks Y-Labels Y-text) (Y-Axis-Line (Y-Line (get-val axis))) (Y-Ticks ($ :y-line Y-Axis-Line)) (Y-Labels (left '? Y-Axis-Line :entirely nil :strip t)) (Y-Text ($ (left '? (or Y-Labels Y-Axis-Line)) :dist (width Y-Labels)) :select (min (distance (center Y-Axis-Line) (center Y-Text)))) ); ( Y-Ticks -> X-or < (Own-Y-Ticks (touch '? (get-val Y-Line))) (Remote-Y-Ticks (left '? (get-val Y-Line) :strip t) :filter (some* [Y-Labels] :in (touch '? Remote-Y-Ticks) :gen t)) > ); ( Own-Y-Ticks -> Set ( Line ) (:element-constraints (horizp Line) (short Line) (not (polylinep Line)) (< (distance (endpoints Line) (Line (get-val Y-Line))) (max (* (a-length Line) .25) *tiny*))) (:constraint vert-aligned-gen) (:largest t) ) ( Remote-Y-Ticks -> Set ( Line ) (:element-constraints (horizp Line) (short Line) (not (polylinep Line))) (:constraint vert-aligned-gen) ); ( Y-Labels -> Set ( Text ) (:element-constraints (horizp Text) (numeric-textp Text) ) (:constraint vert-aligned-gen) (:largest t) ); ( Y-Text -> Set ( Text ) (:element-constraints (vertp Text)) (:constraint (close-gen :how-near (get-val dist))) ); ;;; ****************** < DATA > ****************** ( Data -> Data-lines Data-points Annotations Key-specifications (:optional Data-lines Data-points Annotations Key-specifications) (Key-specifications) (Data-lines) (Annotations (difference* context Data-lines)) (Data-points (difference* context Data-lines)) ); ;;; ****************** < DATA-LINES > ****************** ( Data-lines -> set ( Data-line ) (:element-constraints (> (a-length data-line) (* .25 (get-val x-ln))))); ( Data-line -> set ( Line ) (:element-constraints (not (polylinep Line)) (not (or (and (horizp line) (> (a-length line) (* .7 (get-val x-ln))) (< (distance (left-endpoint line) (Line (Y-Line (get-val axis)))) *tiny*)) (and (vertp line) (> (a-length line) (* .7 (get-val y-ln))))))) (:constraint connected) ) ; ( Data-line -> set ( Curve ) (:constraint connected)) ; ;;; ****************** < Data-points > ****************** ( Data-Points -> set ( Data-Cluster ) ); ={ circle-dp, traingle-dp, rectangle-dp } ; An example of a data-cluster is the set of all circle-data points ( Data-Cluster -> set ( Data-point ) (:constraint same-type) ) ; ( Data-point -> circle (:constraints (whitep circle)) ); a white circle ( Data-point -> circle (:constraints (blackp circle)) ); a black circle ( Data-point -> polygon ; a rectangle (:constraints (rectangle? polygon) (small polygon)) ) ; ( Data-point -> line_1 line_2 line_3 ; a triangle (line_1) (line_2 (touch '? (right-endpoint line_1)) :constraints (different line_1 line_2) (coincide (right-endpoint line_1) (left-endpoint line_2))) (line_3 (touch '? (right-endpoint line_2)) :constraints (different line_2 line_3) (different line_1 line_3) (coincide (right-endpoint line_2) (right-endpoint line_3)) (coincide (left-endpoint line_1) (left-endpoint line_3))) ); ( Data-point -> line_1 line_2 line_3 line_4 ; a diamond (line_1 :constraints (not (horizp line_1)) (not (vertp line_1))) (line_2 (touch '? (right-endpoint line_1)) :constraints (< (distance (right-endpoint line_1) (left-endpoint line_2)) *tiny*) (not (horizp line_2)) (not (vertp line_2))) (line_3 (touch '? (right-endpoint (line_2 obj))) :constraints (< (distance (right-endpoint line_2) (right-endpoint line_3)) *tiny*) (different line_3 line_2)) (line_4 (touch '? (left-endpoint line_3)) :constraints (< (distance (left-endpoint line_3) (right-endpoint line_4)) *tiny*) (< (distance (left-endpoint line_1) (left-endpoint line_4)) *tiny*) (parallelp line_1 line_3) (above (right-endpoint line_1) (right-endpoint line_4))) ); ;;; ****************** < Annotations > ****************** (Annotations -> set ( Annotation ) ); ;;; When a new set-context is specified (in a normal rule), it overwrires the previous one. ;;; // extend relation for set rules. ;;; We could have done: (gen (intersect old-context new-fun))). (Annotation -> Text-set Arrow Pointed (:optional Text Pointed) (Arrow) (Text-set (intersect* (near (leave-pt Arrow) (* 2 (ln Arrow))) context) ;:select (min (distance (center Text) (line (arrow-back Arrow)))) ) (Pointed (near (pt (arrow-head arrow)) (* 2 (a-length (Line (Arrow-back Arrow)))))) ); ( Text-set -> set ( Text ) (:element-constraints (horizp Text) (not (numeric-textp text))) ); ( Pointed -> set ( Object ) ); ( Object -> Data-point ); ( Object -> Text ); ;;; ****************** < Arrow > ****************** ( Arrow-back -> Line (:additional-slots (left-endpoint . (left-endpoint (Line self))) (right-endpoint . (right-endpoint (Line self))) (ln . (a-length (Line self)))) (:constraints (not (polylinep line))) ); <--- ( Arrow-head -> Line_1 Line_2 ; works OK (:additional-slots (pt . (get-arrow-head-pts self 'common-pt)) (p1 . (get-arrow-head-pts self 'p1)) (p2 . (get-arrow-head-pts self 'p2))) (Line_1 :constraints (short Line_1) (not (polylinep Line_1))) (Line_2 (touch Line_1 '?) :constraints (left (center Line_1) (center Line_2)) ; impose ordering (short Line_2) (not (polylinep Line_2)) (same-length Line_1 Line_2 :ratio 1.2) (< (distance (endpoints Line_1) (endpoints Line_2)) 40)) ); ( Arrow -> Arrow-back Arrow-head ; works OK (:non-sharable Arrow-head) (:additional-slots (leave-pt . (if (> (distance (pt (Arrow-head self)) (left-endpoint (Arrow-back self))) (distance (pt (Arrow-head self)) (right-endpoint (Arrow-back self)))) (left-endpoint (Arrow-back self)) (right-endpoint (Arrow-back self)))) (reach-pt . (pt (arrow-head self))) (ln . (ln (Arrow-back self)))) (arrow-head) (arrow-back (intersect* (near (pt arrow-head) (height Arrow-head)) context) ;;; <-- put line_1 :constraints (in-angle (pt Arrow-head) (p1 Arrow-head) (p2 Arrow-head) (left-endpoint Arrow-back)) (in-angle (pt Arrow-head) (p1 Arrow-head) (p2 Arrow-head) (right-endpoint Arrow-back)) (< (distance (pt Arrow-head) (endpoints (line Arrow-back))) (* 1.5 (a-length (line_1 arrow-head)))) (same-angle (angle (left-endpoint Arrow-back) (pt Arrow-head)) (angle (right-endpoint Arrow-back) (pt Arrow-head))) :select (max (a-length (line Arrow-back)))) ); ;;; ************** < Key-specifications > ******************* ( Key-specification -> Expl Data-Points (:non-sharable Data-Points) (Expl :constraints (>= (size Expl) 2)) (Data-Points (near Expl 300)) ); ( Expl -> Set ( Text ) ; Left-Aligned text (:element-constraints (horizp Text) (not (numeric-textp Text)) (> (text-length Text) 3)) (:constraint (vert-aligned-gen :left t)) ); ( Expl -> Set ( Text ) ; Right-Aligned Text (:element-constraints (horizp Text) (not (numeric-textp Text)) (> (text-length Text) 3)) (:constraint (vert-aligned-gen :right t)) ); ( Key-specifications -> Set ( Key-specification ) ); ) ) ;;; ------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Terminal generators for non-primitive terminals ;;; ------------------------------------------------------- ;;; (defun gen-x-axis-line (context) (list context)) ;;; (defun gen-y-axis-line (context) (list context)) ;;; (defun coincide (x y &key (dist *tiny*)) (< (distance x y) dist)) ;;; ------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Non-supported relations ;;; ------------------------------------------------------- (defmethod a-length ((data-line data-line)) (data-line-length data-line)) (defmethod data-line-length ((data-line data-line)) (apply #'+ (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (distance (left-endpoint x) (right-endpoint x))) (value data-line)))) (defun distance-pt-from-data-line (x dl) (distance-pt-from-lines x (value dl))) ;;; (defmethod get-arrow-head-pts ((ob arrow-head) type) (let* ((line1-end-pts (make-array '(2) :initial-contents (a-line-terminators (line_1 ob)))) (line2-end-pts (make-array '(2) :initial-contents (a-line-terminators (line_2 ob)))) (distance-array (make-array '(2 2) :initial-element nil))) (dotimes (i 2) (dotimes (j 2) (setf (aref distance-array i j) (distance (aref line1-end-pts i) (aref line2-end-pts j))))) (let (common-pt f-p1 f-p2 min id-1 id-2); ;; common-pt corresponds to the "corner" point of the arrow head (setf min (aref distance-array 0 0)) (dotimes (i 2) (dotimes (j 2) (when (<= (aref distance-array i j) min) (setf min (aref distance-array i j)) (setf id-1 i) (setf id-2 j)))) (setf common-pt (aref line1-end-pts id-1)) (setf f-p1 (aref line1-end-pts (- 1 id-1))) (setf f-p2 (aref line2-end-pts (- 1 id-2))) (cond ((equal type 'all) (list common-pt f-p1 f-p2)) ((equal type 'common-pt) common-pt) ((equal type 'p1) f-p1) (t f-p2)))))
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