Watercolors by Harriet Fell
Watercolor - from Claybrook Road Watercolor - SF Bay Watercolor - alien landscape Watercolor - Sea Dream
Watercolor - Lila, a Harris Hawk Watercolor - Watery View Watercolor - wave
Watercolor - ripples
Watercolor - alien moons 4
Watercolor - Earth's Bounty Watercolor - alien moons 1 Watercolor - alien moons 3 Watercolor - ice moon
Watercolor - alien moons 2 Watercolor - alien moons 1 Watercolor - alien moons 3 Watercolor - ice moon
Watercolor - cliff wave Watercolor of earth and air Watercolor of last snow Watercolor of mountain
Watercolor of flame Watercolor of fire Watercolor of hearth at Massa Italy Watercolor of subterranean flames
Watercolor - flames Watercolor - first light Watercolor of fire above and below
Watercolor - alien sea Watercolor of foam Watercolor of ooze Watercolor of pond bottom samples
Watercolor - rain Watercolor of foam Watercolor of turbulence below Watercolor water erupting
Watercolor - alien sea Watercolor of foam Watercolor of ooze Watercolor of pond bottom samples
Watercolor - alien sea Watercolor of foam Watercolor of ooze Watercolor of pond bottom samples
Watercolor - flame Watercolor of fire Watercolor of a fire moons Watercolor of fire glass
Watercolor - ice cave Watercolor of ice Watercolor of a jellyfish Watercolor of water samples
Watercolor of a sea plant Watercolor of winter a splash in sunlight Watercolor of bouncing water
Watercolor of summer air Watercolor of winter air Watercolor of pallet cleanse Watercolor of sweet air
Watercolor of OohAah Point Watercolor of sandpipers on a beach Watercolor oftree stump turning to earth Watercolor of ground
Watercolor of smoke Watercolor of smoky glass Watercolor of stained glass Watercolor of airscape
2011 - 2014
Watercolor of a Polar Bear's nightmare Watercolor of man painting Mount Monadnok Watercolor of my hat
Watercolor of a sleeping Polar Bear Watercolor of a lion Watercolor of a tiger
Watercolor of a camel Watercolor of an alligator Watercolor portrait of an iguana
Watercolor of a snake Watercolor of a firefly on milkweed flower Watercolor of two starfish
Watercolor of winter bones Watercolor of a tree cave Watercolor of a burnt out Manhattan pier
Watercolor of Tasha dreaming Watercolor of Tasha's bones Watercolor of Bones for Harriet
Tasha Bones for Tasha Bones for Harriet
Watercolor of frogs Watercolor of turtle Watercolor of swan Watercolor of swans
Watercolor of eggplant Watercolor peach and pear Watercolor of garlic Watercolor still life
Watercolor of bottles Watercolor of Cups Watercolor of North Truro MA Watercolor of St. Miguel Mexico
Fall 2009
Watercolor of sunset in Newton MA Watercolor of sunset in Newton MA Watercolor of cactus in Mexico Watercolor of cactus in Mexico
Spring and Summer 2009
Watercolor of scene in Truro MA Watercolor of three anemones Watercolor of Lifeguard on a Falmouth beach Watercolor of Lifeguard on a Falmouth beach
Winter 2009
Watercolor of snow-laden pine tree Watercolor of winter sun through trees Watercolor of leaves through snow Watercolor of the 2009 onion
Waiting to Fly
Watercolor of three men waiting for a flight Watercolor of three men waiting for a flight Watercolor of view under Rowes Wharf
Watercolor of a red onion Watercolor of an onion Watercolor of the 2009 onion drawing of the 2009 onion with jug
Watercolor of an orchid from behind Watercolor of an orchid from behind Watercolor of an orchid from behind Watercolor of house on a Halifax Pier
Watercolor of scallop shell Watercolor of conch shell Watercolor of a snail shell Watercolor of an oyster shell
Watercolor of an orange cat with pussy willows Watercolor of a red tulip and a yellow tulip Watercolor of an lilacs with a damselfly Watercolor of Ruth's tree photo
Watercolor of view under Rowes Wharf Watercolor of rat (Tycho) and parakeet (Zach) building a nest Watercolor of quince flowers and a gecko Watercolor of a pine branch
Watercolor of three tulips Watercolor of a hydrangea Watercolor of a hydrangea Watercolor of a hydrangea
Watercolor of peper with kiwi Watercolor of s cantalope Watercolor of haos Watercolor of tree with vultures
Watercolor of milkweed pods Watercolor of milkweed pods
Watercolor of corn and an apple Watercolor of a dying sunflower by Harriet Fell Watercolor of a dying sunflower by Harriet Fell Watercolor of dried leaves and a pepper by Harriet Fell
Watercolor of peppers at market by Harriet Fell Watercolor crab apples on a stem by Harriet Fell Watercolor of bleeding hearts and a frog by Harriet Fell
Watercolor of a gull on a dock by Harriet Fell Watercolor at a water color class by Harriet Fell Watercolor of the moon through branches by Harriet Fell Watercolor of cala lilies in a vase by Harriet Fell
Watercolor of a fist jam in an hour glass by Harriet Fell Watercolor a cracked ceramic head by Harriet Fell Watercolor laundry in Opoul by Harriet Fell Watercolor of daffodils by Harriet Fell

Harriet Fell
College of Computer Science, Northeastern University
360 Huntington Avenue #446 WVH,
Boston, MA 02115
Email: Harriet Fell
Phone: (617) 373-2198 / Fax: (617) 373-5121

Last Modified 03/29/2025 12:32:53
The URL for this document is: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/fell/watercolors.html