July 2002 | |||
I am spending this year working on two projects:
My colleague Joel MacAuslan of Speech Technology and Applied Research, Lexington, MA and I are building new software for both these projects using Matlab as a base. | |||
I am attending Chris King's Summer Mathematical Institute on Quantum Informatics. | |||
My husband, son and I drove up to Canso Nova Scotia for Stanfest, the Stan Rogers Folk Festival. The Bluenose | |||
Joel McAuslan and I continue to work on the visiBabble code. We finally have out Human Subject's Clearance and the funding should come through soon. I now have the Macintosh version of Matlab. | |||
Quantum Informatics continues. | |||
I took off one morning and did what used to be my early spring ritual of cycling from Newton, MA to Woonsocket, RI and back. We went to a They Might Be Giants concert at the Museum of Fine Arts
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September 2002 | |||
I presented a paper Vocalization Age as a Clinical Tool at ICSLP 2002, | and I got in a day's hiking at Estes Park. | ||
I am visiting at M.I.T. this year and I am attending MIT 6.978: Biologically Motivated Programming Technology for Robust Systems which is about Amorphous Computing run by Hal Abelson, Radhika Nagpal, Gerald Jay Sussman. |
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October 2002 | |||
The visiBabble code progresses. It can now do what our Early Vocalization Analyzer (EVA) program did but has the potential of running real-time. It runs on Macs and PCs instead of Unix machines. | |||
Vancouver, BC | |||
I am working with four Northeastern students this fall:
| |||
November and December 2002 | |||
After two and a half painful weeks and two useless rebuilds of my Mac, Matlab is finally working on the Mac again. Thank you Adrian of OroborusX. I am supervising projects for four Northeastern students. | |||
Amorphous Computing Continues | |||
We spent Thanksgiving in New York City. | Clifford at the Macy's Parade | ||
January and February 2003 | |||
I am working on response screens for visiBabble. The input is still from .wav files. Jeff Raab is working on Mac microphone to Matlab code. Joel MacAuslan and I are fine-tuning the landmarks detection code. | |||
I spent two days skiing at Okemo Mountain. | |||
visiBabble is now up and running real-time on a Dell Inspiron 8200. Two typically developing infants will beta test it this month. We will start using our underlying software for detection of emotion in adult speech. | |||
At M.I.T. I am attending Marvin Minsky's "Emotion Machine" course | |||
and participating more actively in Gerald Jay Sussman and Hal Abelson's 6.002ex, a new version of the traditional first circuits course. | |||
I spent another two days skiing at Okemo Mountain. | |||
I delivered visiSyl 1.2 to Nebraska where Cynthia Cress and her students are testing it with a numer of infants. | |||
There wasn't too much to see in Lincoln Nebraska | . | ||
We are making progress applying our syllable analysis methods to the SUSAS database. | |||
M.I.T.'s "Tech Talk" published this article about Sussman and Abelson's circuits course. "Working engineers show frosh the ropes" The radio in the article is the Breadboard AM radio Hal and I built. |
Justin Richer and Leander Harding gave a presentation on "Neuron" to the Northeastern University Student ACM chapter. |
Last Updated: June 14 2003 10:00 a.m.
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