Drawing with Chuck Holtzman 2021

These are some of my (Harriet Fell) drawings from an online class with Chuck Holtzman to stay sane during 2021 which still feels like 2020.
Click on small images to see larger versions.

Winter 2021

Choose one of the prompts from the list: Symmetric becomes asymmetric becomes symmetrical (A work tracking its transition) 2E red minus 4our
Choose one of the prompts from the list:
  • Symmetric becomes asymmetric becomes symmetrical (A work tracking its transition)
  • 2E red minus 4our
shrink and grow 1 shrink and grow 1 shrink and grow 1 shrink and grow 1 shrink and grow 3
Focus on the impact that expanding and contracting drawing surface will have on the material(s) distribution. Continually add and subtract paper in some form changing the overall size and/or shape of the panel.
These are all 9"x12". The first is drawn in India ink, the second is a printed shrunk version of the first, the third has grown from the second in ink, the fourth is a printed shrunk version of the third, and the fifth has grown in ink from the fourth.
shrink and grow 1 shrink and grow 1 small shrink and grow 2 shrink and grow 2 small shrink and grow 3
Two different color drawing materials - Each one should be used to create, metaphorically, an imaginary material. A relationship between each color(material) should be developed based on using one of the prompts from the list: UNNATURAL INDIFFERENCE UNCOOPERATIVE TENTATIVE SCREECH.
My Study in Blue and Red and a flattened version: a response to making myself listen to the Republican rebuttal.
blue and red blue and red flat
Start drawing along any one of four edges of the page working horizontally or vertically within a narrow swath putting down gestures or marks. After completing a row, cover from sight the material you had just applied. Continue this process row by row until you feel unsure, confused, content, satisfied or a sense of wonder. Then decide before you remove the top sheet if you are ready to commit to calling this drawing finished.
Pick an object that has not been designed for use as a drawing tool and use it to deliver ink or other liquid medium to paper. The drawing should be a representation of the tool you are using to make the drawing.
corks by cork pinecones by pinecone the tools
The backside of silence
back side of silence back side of silence back side of silence
Develop three distinct layers, each characteristically different (with one or more of: Marks, Gestures, Lines, Smudges... ), one on top of another. Use a single rate of drawing speed: slow, medium and fast for each coat. Make sure to complete each layer before moving on to the next.
big layers 14x17 small layers 4x6
Begin by making a mark roughly the size of a bumblebee on a sheet of paper. Make another mark, different in character and double in size of the first mark and locate it on the same sheet. Continue this process of changing the character and doubling the size of each successive new mark until you run out of room on the page.
birds and bees doubling
A drawing that suggests disarray and/or calm. Use yellow and black.
calm in black and yellow
disarray in yellow and black
and more disarray below
calm in black and yellow disarray in yellow and black disarray in yellow and black
Two self portraits:
Drawing 1: Cover the entire surface with a drawing medium of one color. From this point forward the self portrait is achieved only by removing material using any means; erasing, sanding, scratching etc.
Drawing : Prepare the paper the same way but the image should be 3 inches or less in height, leaving a significant amount of space surrounding the self portrait.
erased self portrait
erased charcoal
erased small self portrait
erased charcoal
scratched self portrait
scratched India ink