Overview, History, RGB Color, PPM files, Math Basics ppt (5.2 MB) pdf (3.6 MB)
Simple Ray Tracing (Casting), Transformations ppt (2.6 MB) pdf (2 MB)
Viewing, Reflection, and Refraction ppt (2.5 MB) pdf (2.5 MB)
Lines, Circles, Ray/Plane Intersection ppt (2.3 MB) pdf (973 KB)
Bump Maps, Texture Maps, 2D Clipping ppt (3.9 MB) pdf (3.6 5B)
Splines, Bicubic Surfaces, Quadrics ppt (4.8 MB) pdf (4.5 5B)
PolyMesh, Noise and Turbulence ppt (4.3 MB) pdf (1.9 5B)
More Noise, Gouraud and Phong Shading, Color Science ppt (7.6 MB) pdf (7.4 5B)
Morphing, Fractals ppt (6.0 MB) pdf (4.1 5B)
Animation, Quaternions
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The URL for this document is: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/fell/CS5310/CS5310SP2011.html