Created: Wed 29 Dec 2011
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- Lecture: Tuesday, Friday 1:35 PM -- 3:15 PM
- Room: 110 WVH
- CS 2510 (CS U213) Fundamentals of Computer Science 2
- CS 2800 (CS U290) Logic and Computation
More important, perhaps, is the material from CS1800 (CSU200), Discrete Structures, which itself is a prerequisite for CS 2510 (CS U213).
- Required: Introduction to the Theory of Computation by Michael Sipser.
Errata for this text are available on-line. If you are concerned that something in the text might be a typo, please check the errata available here: Errata for Introduction to the Theory of Computation by Michael Sisper.
- There will be weekly written assignments, generally handed out on Tuesdays and due the following Tuesday. Some of the exercises will be routine, but others will be more challenging. I do not expect you to solve all of the homework problems, but I hope that you will benefit from working on the more difficult ones. A few hints on the homework assignments:
- Start early: Difficult problems are not typically solved in one sitting. Start early and let the ideas come to you over the course of a few days.
- Be rigorous: CSU390 is a theory course, and as such, a certain level of mathematical rigor will be expected in your solutions.
- Be concise: Express your solutions at the proper level of detail. Give enough details to clearly present your solution, but not so many that the main ideas are obscured.
- Work with others: Some of the problems will be difficult, and it will often be helpful to discuss them with others. Feel free to form study groups. However, the idea is for everyone to understand the problems and experience working through the solutions, so you may not simply "give" a solution to another classmate. In particular, each student must write up his or her own homework solutions and must not read or copy the solutions of others. If you work with others on a problem, you must note with whom you discussed the problem at the beginning of your solution write-up.
- Appearance: Homework must be neat and legible. It should look like you care about it. It must be written out neatly on whole sheets of 8.5" by 11" paper. If your homework does not meet these criteria, it will not be graded.
Homework Policy
- Homework is due at the beginning of class on the announced due date. You will be granted one homework extension, to be used at your discretion, no questions asked. After the first late assignment, unexcused late assignments will be penalized 20% per calendar day late. I normally will not accept assignments after the date on which the following assignment is due or after the solutions have been handed out, whichever comes first. If you will have a valid reason for turning in an assignment late, please see me in advance to obtain full-credit.
Homework Grading
- We will employ a somewhat unusual grading scheme. Each homework assignment will have n problems, and each problem will be worth k points. You will be required to attempt any m problems. (The parameters n, m and k will vary from assignment to assignment.) These m problems will be graded in the usual manner: you will receive full or partial credit out of k points. You may also choose to attempt the remaining n-m problems. These problems will be graded as follows. Say that you would have received a score of j points if this problem had been graded normally. If j is less than k/2, then you will receive zero out of zero points, as if you had not attempted the problem. Otherwise, you will receive 2j out of 2j points. Note that attempting extra problems can only help you. Your grade on an assignment will be reported by two numbers: the points you obtain and the points you effectively attempt. Your homework grade at the end of the term will be calculated as the sum of the points you obtained divided by the sum of the points you effectively attempted.
- The purpose of this policy is threefold:
- It is designed so as not to penalize you for skipping some problems.
- It is designed to encourage you to attempt all of the problems.
- It is designed specifically to discourage you from writing up long answers which you suspect are incorrect, in the hopes of picking up a point or two.
- Note: Your free late assignment and any unexcused late assignments will only be graded for regular problems. Excused late assignments (e.g., due to illness) will be graded for both regular and extra credit.
- There will be a midterm and a final exam. The midterm exam will be held during a regularly scheduled class period, and the final exam will be held during finals week.
- Homeworks: 25%
- Pop Quizzes*: 10%
- Midterm: 25%
- Final: 40%
* There will be approximately 10 pop quizzes during the semester. You will receive a grade of zero if you miss a quiz. Your two lowest grades will be dropped.
Academic Honesty
- All work submitted for credit must be your own.
- You may discuss the homework problems with your classmates, the teaching assistant(s), and Professor Aslam. You must acknowledge the people with whom you discussed your work, and you must write up your own solutions. Any written sources used (apart from the text) must also be acknowledged; however, you may not consult any solutions from previous years' assignments whether they are student or faculty generated.
- Please ask if you have any questions about academic honesty as it applies to CS3800.
Switch to:
Harriet Fell
College of Computer Science, Northeastern University
360 Huntington Avenue #340 WVH,
Boston, MA 02115
Phone: (617) 373-2198 / Fax: (617) 373-5121
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