COM3370 Turnin Directions

COM3370 Turnin Directions

  1. Set up the homework as indicated in the turnin file. (See below.)
  2. Include everything needed to compile and run your program. Include a README expaining exactly how to compile and run your program. Include anything special you want to point out, e.g. special features, bugs, the best input files.
  3. Do NOT include executable code or output files.
  4. Make sure your copy of the turnin file is sending your work to: "hw3370"
  5. Edit the turnin file so that hwN is replaced by hw0, hw1, hw2, hw3, or hw4.
  6. Send ONE (1) copy of your assignment.
  7. If you want to send a revised version of an assignment you already submitted, change hwN to say
  8. If you have a question, send mail to "fell" with a subject of "3370 question".

I will send email if your homework does not arrive on time or if it is not properly shipped. Thanks for your help.

-- Prof. Fell


# shell script designed for turning in a homework
# instructions:
# Make a directory, called  hwN 
# (where N is the assignment number:  0, 1, 2, 3, or 4), 
# with all the files to submit. 
# Please, don't include the binary, .o, or ppm files, to save mail space.
# I will recompile the files.  Include a makefile, so that the only thing 
# I must to do is move to your directory and type "make".
# #
# Make your current directory the parent of your hwN directory then, type
#    turnin hwN
# where hwN is the name of the directory that you just
# created.  Make sure you don't use an absolute path, so the
# tar command to recover your directory will work from anywhere.
# Also, make sure the turnin script can be found from your shell,
# by either copying it to your ~/bin directory (assuming this directory
# is accessible to your shell) or your own favorite method.

tar -cf - $1 | compress | uuencode $USER.tar.Z | /usr/ucb/Mail -s hwN hw3370
Last Updated: December 31, 1998 2:14 pm
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