program LinearNoise96; uses simpleWindows, Cwindows, stringTools, IOTools, randomTools; const size = 39;{multiple of 3 for splines} type noiseArray = array[0..size, 0..size] of real; var noiseB, noiseR, noiseG: noiseArray; h, v: longint; {pixel coordinates} divisor: longint; {for spreading out the noise} x, y: real; {x = h/divisor, y= v/divisor are sent to LinearNoise function} factorR, factorG, factorB, factor: real;{to set the proportions of Red, Green, Blue} myColor: rgbColor; {The color that the pixel is set to} start: integer; {for starting scale} choice: integer; { which procedure to call} normalize: boolean; procedure openWindows; begin { set defaults for drawing window - see simpleCwindows } with Coptions do begin title := ''; framewidth := 3; framecolor := white; fieldcolor := black; end; hideall; macii_minitext; miniCdraw; writeln('Uniform Linear Noise Samples'); random_seed(tickCount); end; procedure setNoises; var i, j, k: integer; sum: real; begin for i := 0 to size - 1 do for j := 0 to size - 1 do begin noiseR[i, j] := random_real(0, 1); {set all but last row and column to random reals between 0 and 1} noiseG[i, j] := random_real(0, 1); noiseB[i, j] := random_real(0, 1); end; for j := 1 to size - 1 do begin noiseR[size, j] := noiseR[0, j]; {set the last row and column to match the first row and column} noiseR[j, size] := noiseR[j, 0]; noiseG[size, j] := noiseG[0, j]; noiseG[j, size] := noiseG[j, 0]; noiseB[size, j] := noiseB[0, j]; noiseB[j, size] := noiseB[j, 0]; end; noiseR[size, size] := noiseR[0, 0]; {set the last corner to complete the wrap} noiseG[size, size] := noiseG[0, 0]; noiseB[size, size] := noiseB[0, 0]; end; function linearNoise (u, v: real; var noise: noiseArray): real; var iu, iv, ip, iq: integer; du, dv, bot, top: real; begin iu := trunc(u); iv := trunc(v); du := u - iu; dv := v - iv; iu := iu mod size; iv := iv mod size; ip := (iu + 1); iq := (iv + 1); bot := noise[iu, iv] + du * (noise[ip, iv] - noise[iu, iv]); top := noise[iu, iq] + du * (noise[ip, iq] - noise[iu, iq]); linearNoise := bot + dv * (top - bot); end; function Lturbulence (u, v: real; var noise: noiseArray): real; var t, scale: real; begin scale := start; t := 0; while scale >= 1 / divisor do {1 / divisor} begin t := t + linearNoise(u / scale, v / scale, noise) * scale; scale := scale / 2; end; if normalize then {normalized turbulence} t := t / 2 / start; Lturbulence := t; end; function marble (x, y: real; var noise: noiseArray): real; var marb: real; begin marble := abs(sin(x + Lturbulence(x, y, noise))); end; function cloud (x, y: real; var noise: noiseArray): real; begin cloud := sin(x + Lturbulence(x, y, noise)); end; procedure noiseColor (x, y: real); begin factorR := linearNoise(x, y, noiseR); factorG := linearNoise(x, y, noiseG); factorB := linearNoise(x, y, noiseB); with myColor do begin red := round(2 * factorR * maxint); green := round(2 * factorG * maxint); blue := round(2 * factorB * maxint); end; end; procedure turbulenceColor (x, y: real); begin factorR := Lturbulence(x, y, noiseR); factorG := Lturbulence(x, y, noiseG); factorB := Lturbulence(x, y, noiseB); with myColor do begin red := round(2 * factorR * maxint); green := round(2 * factorG * maxint); blue := round(2 * factorB * maxint); end; end; procedure marbleColor (x, y: real); begin { factorR := marble(x, y, noiseR); } {square factorR to make a narrower band of yellow where red adds to green} { factorR := factorR * factorR;} factorG := sqrt(marble(x, y, noiseG));{take the square root to fatten the green bands, leaving thin blue veins} with myColor do begin red := 0;{trunc(factorR * maxint);} green := trunc(2 * factorG * maxint); blue := trunc(maxint); end; end; procedure cloudColor (x, y: real); begin factorR := abs(cloud(x, y, noiseR)); factorG := abs(cloud(y, x, noiseG)); {note that x and y are flipped; fuzziness in two directions} factor := abs(factorR + factorG) / 2; {factor scales from blue to white} with myColor do begin red := maxint + trunc(factor * maxint); green := maxint + trunc(factor * maxint); blue := maxint + trunc((1 - factor / 2) * maxint); end; end; {------main----------------------------------------------------------------------} begin openWindows; setNoises; divisor := 1; start := 1; choice := 2; repeat start := request_integer('Enter scale = ', start); divisor := request_integer('Enter divisor = ', divisor); writeln('Choose one: 1. noise'); writeln(' 2. turbulence'); writeln(' 3. marble'); writeln(' 4. clouds'); choice := request_integer('Enter choice = ', choice); if (choice = 2) or (choice = 3) or (choice = 4) then normalize := confirm('Normalize turbulence? ', false); with CdrawingRect do begin for v := 0 to bottom do for h := 0 to right do begin x := h / divisor; y := v / divisor; case choice of 1: noiseColor(x, y); 2: turbulenceColor(x, y); 3: marbleColor(x, y); 4: cloudColor(x, y); otherwise ; end; {case} setCPixel(h, v, myColor); end; end; until not confirm('Continue? ', true); readln; end.
Harriet J. Fell
Last Updated: December 20, 2005, 10:56 a.m.
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