Harriet Fell's Home Page

College of Computer Science --- Northeastern University

Photograph and Drawing (by Tova Brown) of Harriet Fell

Drawing by Tova Brown

Photograph of Harriet Fell working on her Quadra Photograph of Harriet Fell in the Blizzard of 1996 Photograph of Harriet Fell on her freestyle bike
My 9th grade Class Picture


Papers by my student Reza Asadi

Research on using speech-processing to design and develop medical and assistive technology applications.

Articles abd Videos of Talks about Bicycles and Cycling



Photo of Sheldon Brown as Capt Bike 3 Self Portraits of Tova Brown 11/5/95 Photograph of George Brown playing trombone at Ryles Photograph of dog Tasha in guitar case
Sheldon Brown
1944 - 2008
Tova Brown George Brown Tasha
1994 - 2011
serpe tetra drawing, part of link to aquarium slides Our Aquariumzebra fish drawing, part of link to aquarium slides flower image, link to garden flower slide show


Harriet Fell
College of Computer Science, Northeastern University
Boston, MA 02115
The URL for this document is: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/fell/index.html
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