Dan Feng

Welcome to Dan's Homepage

I'm a fourth year PhD student in College of Computer and Information Science, working with Professor Stacy Marsella in the CESAR (Cognitive Embodied Social Agents Research) lab. My projects span from Artificial Intelligence (AI), Natural Language Understanding (NLU) to human computer interaction (HCI). My current research mainly focuses on building decision theoretic models of human behaviors by applying machine learning and natural language processing techniques to crowdsourced narratives. In addition, I’m also interested in studying visual perception and social presence in VR/AR/MR systems.



Northeastern University, Boston, MA

Ph.D. in Computer Science
2014.9 - present

Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing

M.Sc.in Optical Engineering
2011.9 - 2014.3

Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing

B.E. in Electronics Science and Technology
2007.9 - 2011.7


Noreastern University

Mentor : Dr. Stacy Marsella
2014.9 - present

Microsoft Research Asia

Human Computer Interaction Group
Mentor : Dr. Darren Edge
2014.2 - 2014.6

National University of Singapore

Mentor : Dr. Henry B.L. Duh and Dr. Ellen Do
2012.8 - 2013.5




  • David C. Jeong, Dan Feng, Nicole C. Krämer, Lynn C. Miller, and Stacy Marsella, “Negative feedback in your face: examining the effects of proxemics and gender on learning,” in International conference on intelligent virtual agents (IVA), 2017, pp. 170-183.  [PDF]
  • Dan Feng, David C. Jeong, Nicole C. Krämer, Lynn C. Miller, and Stacy Marsella, “Is it just me?: evaluating attribution of negative feedback as a function of virtual instructor’s gender and proxemics,” in Proceedings of the 16th conference on autonomous agents and multiagent systems(AAMAS), 2017, pp. 810-818.  [PDF]
  • Dan Feng, Elin Carstensdottir, Sharon Marie Carnicke, Magy Seif El-Nasr, Stacy Marsella. "An Active Analysis and Crowd Sourced Approach to Social Training", In Proceedings of the ninth International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS), 2016. [PDF]
  • Edge, Darren, Xi Yang, Yasmine Kotturi, Shuoping Wang, Dan Feng, Bongshin Lee, and Steven Drucker. "SlideSpace: Heuristic Design of a Hybrid Presentation Medium." ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 2016. [PDF]
  • Song Weitao, Dongdong Weng, Dan Feng, Yuqian Li, Yue Liu and Yongtian Wang. "Evaluating Visual Discomfort in Stereoscopic Projection-Based CAVE System with a close viewing distance", In SPIE Sensing Technology Applications, 2015.
  • Weiquan Lu, Dan Feng, Steven Feiner, Qi Zhao, Henry Been-Lirn Duh. "Evaluating Subtle Cueing in Head-Worn Displays", In Proceedings of the Second International Symposium of Chinese CHI, 2014
  • Weiquan Lu, Dan Feng, Steven Feiner, Henry Been-Lirn Duh, Qi Zhao. "Subtle Cueing for Visual Search in Head-Tracked Head Worn Displays", Proceeding of IEEE/ACM International Symposia on Mixed and Augmented (ISMAR 2013), 2013.
  • Guan Sun, Dan Feng, Youtong Zhang, Dongdong Weng. "Research on the Detection and Control Algorithm of Magnetic Navigation Based Smart Car", Proceeding of IEEE Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2013), 2013
  • Dan Feng, Weiquan Lu, Chenchen Sun, Dongdong Weng, Ellen Yi-Luen Do. "A Browser-based Perceptual Experimental Platform for Visual Search Study in Augmented Reality", Proceeding of IEEE Ubiquitous Intelligence an Computing (UIC/ATC 2013), 2013
  • Dan Feng, Dongdong Weng, Yongtian Wang, and Yue Liu. "Research on the tangible tabletop interaction system based on the optical sensors.", Proceeding of SPIE International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology (OIT 2011), vol. 8197, p. 30. 2011.


Volunteer Science Research Fellow
AAMAS Student Travel Grant
Northeastern University Graduate Fellowship
National Graduate Student Scholarship awarded by Ministry of Education of China
Outstanding Graduate awarded by BIT
First Prize of China Instrument and Control Society Scholarship
First Prize for the 5th FreescaleTM National Student Smart Car Competition (Ranked 5th in more than 300 teams)
Excellent volunteer in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games awarded by organizing committee


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College of Computer and Information Science
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Boston, Massachusetts 02115