I'm a fourth year PhD student in College of Computer and Information Science, working with Professor Stacy Marsella in the CESAR (Cognitive Embodied Social Agents Research) lab. My projects span from Artificial Intelligence (AI), Natural Language Understanding (NLU) to human computer interaction (HCI). My current research mainly focuses on building decision theoretic models of human behaviors by applying machine learning and natural language processing techniques to crowdsourced narratives. In addition, I’m also interested in studying visual perception and social presence in VR/AR/MR systems.
My CVSlideSpace: Heuristic Design of a Hybrid Presentation Medium
Visual Perception Study in Augmented Reality ( AR) System
Visual Fatigue in Mini-CAVE System
Visual Perception Study in Augmented Reality ( AR ) System
Augmented Reality Training System for Military
Mobile AR Tour Guide
Magnetic Signal Navigated Smart Car
Design of Tangible User Interface based on photosensors