
About the course...

Introduces foundational principles, methods, and techniques of visualization to enable creation of effective information representations suitable for exploration and discovery. Covers the design and evaluation process of visualization creation, visual representations of data, relevant principles of human vision and perception, and basic interactivity principles. Studies data types and a wide range of visual data encodings and representations. Draws examples from physics, biology, health science, social science, geography, business, and economics. Emphasizes good programming practices for both static and interactive visualizations. Creates visualizations in Excel and Tableau as well as Python and open web-based authoring libraries. Requires programming in Python, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Requires extensive writing including documentation, explanations, and discussions of the findings from the data analyses and the visualizations. Preq: CS 2510, or by permission of the instructor. NUPath Attributes: With Service Learning, Analyzing/Using Data, NU Core Experiential Learning, Integration Experience, Writing Intensive.

Note: No prior experience with web design or javascript required (although helpful to have). Necessary skills will be taught in-class and during optional tutorials.

DS 4200: Information Presentation & Visualization

Time and Location: Tuesday and Fridays from 9:50am - 11:30am, Ryder Hall 147

Instructor: Prof. Michelle Borkin (m.borkin@northeastern.edu), Office 310D WVH.
    Office Hours: Starting 9/6, Tuesdays from 1:00-2:00pm in West Village H 310D or by appointment.

Teaching Assistant: Micha Schwab (michaschwab@ccs.neu.edu).
    Office Hours: Wednesdays from 4:00-5:00pm in WVH 460A or by appointment.

Service-Learning Teaching Assistant: Emily Breen (breen.emi@husky.neu.edu).
    Office Hours: TBD in 232 Hastings Hall YMCA (YMC).



**Schedule is subject to change as guest lectures are incorporated into the lecture line-up.
