Matthew Flatt and PLT
Reference: Racket
PLT Technical Report #1
For citations of the Racket Programming Language, please use \cite{plt-tr1} in LaTeX, or @cite[plt-tr1] in Scribble, using the definitions below.
For references to specific releases and/or chapters, use \cite[Version M.N]{plt-tr1} or @cite[(in-bib plt-tr1 "Version M.N")] instead. The year in the bibliographic entry should be 2010 regardless of the version's date.
@techreport{plt-tr1, title = {Reference: Racket}, author = {Matthew Flatt and PLT}, number = {PLT-TR-2010-1}, institution = {PLT Inc.}, year = {2010}, note = {\url{file:///home/asumu/plt/racket-git/collects/meta/web/built-web/www/tr1/www/tr1/}} }
(define plt-tr1 (make-bib #:title "Reference: Racket" #:author (authors "Matthew Flatt" "PLT") #:date "2010" #:location (techrpt-location #:institution "PLT Inc." #:number "PLT-TR-2010-1") #:url "file:///home/asumu/plt/racket-git/collects/meta/web/built-web/www/tr1/www/tr1/"))
(November 2011)\cite[Version 5.2]{plt-tr1}
@cite[(in-bib plt-tr1 "Version 5.2")][html], [pdf] 5.1.3
(August 2011)\cite[Version 5.1.3]{plt-tr1}
@cite[(in-bib plt-tr1 "Version 5.1.3")][html], [pdf] 5.1.2
(August 2011)\cite[Version 5.1.2]{plt-tr1}
@cite[(in-bib plt-tr1 "Version 5.1.2")][html], [pdf] 5.1.1
(April 2011)\cite[Version 5.1.1]{plt-tr1}
@cite[(in-bib plt-tr1 "Version 5.1.1")][html], [pdf] 5.1
(February 2011)\cite[Version 5.1]{plt-tr1}
@cite[(in-bib plt-tr1 "Version 5.1")][html], [pdf] 5.0.2
(November 2010)\cite[Version 5.0.2]{plt-tr1}
@cite[(in-bib plt-tr1 "Version 5.0.2")][html], [pdf] 5.0.1
(August 2010)\cite[Version 5.0.1]{plt-tr1}
@cite[(in-bib plt-tr1 "Version 5.0.1")][html], [pdf] 5.0
(June 2010)\cite[Version 5.0]{plt-tr1}
@cite[(in-bib plt-tr1 "Version 5.0")][html], [pdf] Reminder: the release dates should not be included in the entry or the citation.