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Artifact:   Is Sound Gradual Typing Dead?

Artifact: Is Sound Gradual Typing Dead?

Asumu Takikawa <asumu@ccs.neu.edu>,
Dan Feltey <dfeltey@ccs.neu.edu>,
Ben Greenman <types@ccs.neu.edu>,
Max S. New <maxsnew@ccs.neu.edu>,
Jan Vitek <j.vitek@ccs.neu.edu>,
and Matthias Felleisen <matthias@ccs.neu.edu>

This is a README file for the artifact that accompanies "Is Sound Gradual Typing Dead?" in POPL 2016.

The goals of this artifact are to
  • Make the raw lattice data we collected available for outside analysis

  • Enable replication of our experimental evaluation

For instructions on setting up the virtual machine, see Setting up and installing the artifact.

If you want to analyze the data presented in the paper, see Data and Analysis.

If you want to analyze the benchmark programs or run the benchmarks yourself, see Benchmarks and possibly Walkthrough: Creating and Analyzing a Benchmark Program.