Northeastern University

CS 4740/6740 - Network Security

News & Announcements


Welcome to the Network Security course webpage (CS 4740/6740). Networks security is a topic that requires as much attention to its real-world implications as its theoretical underpinnings. The CS 4740/6740 Network Security course allows the students to explore the practical elements of networks security and related design, and deployment decisions in a supervised laboratory, while simultaneously acquiring a strong conceptual knowledge of the underlying theory in the more traditional classroom environment. The combination of these elements provides students with a vivid picture of why and how networked systems and applications must be designed, implemented, deployed, and maintained in a secure fashion. The course goals are multi-fold:



Amirali Sanatinia (amirali ATA ccs DOTA neu DOTA edu)
Office: 208 West Village H

Class Information

Required Textbook
Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World Charles Kaufman, Radia Perlman, Mike Speciner, Pearson Education, April 2002
Course Home Page
Announcements, discussions, forums
All announcements and discussions will be through piazza :
Knowlege of Internet networking protocols (e.g, a Networking course).
Course schedule
Current Schedule.

Laboratory assignments will be on the course sandboxed network of virual machines and infrastructure (See Laboratory 1).

Video Demos

Sample Quizzes and Exams


Problem Sets
Lab Assignments
  1. Introduction

  2. Buffer Overflow

  3. Port Scanning

  4. Network Intrusion Detection

  5. Host-based Intrusion Detection

  6. Password Cracking

  7. Firewall

  8. Host Hardening

  9. Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

  10. Local Exploits

  11. Application Exploits


The exam will take place online

Finals Project

Teams Final Designs and Implementations:



The course grade will be based on: