Types in Language Design and Implementation
Savannah, Georgia, USA
Saturday, 24 January, 2009
To be held in conjunction with POPL 2009
TLDI '09 is the fourth ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Types in Language Design and Implementation (formerly called TIC, the International Workshop on Types in Compilation).
Submission (extended) | 9 October 2008, 5PM EDT (Thursday) |
Notification | 8 November 2008 (Saturday) |
Camera ready | 21 November 2008 (Friday) |
TLDI '09 | 24 January 2009 (Saturday) |
TLDI is a workshop on the role of types in all aspects of language design, compiler construction, and software development. In recent years, type systems and type analyses have led to new concepts in compilation techniques for modern programming languages, verification of safety and security properties of programs, program transformation and optimization, and many other areas. In recognition of the expanding role of types, TLDI '03 expanded on the previous Workshops on Types in Compilation (TIC) to bring together researchers to share new ideas and results in this area, and TLDI '05 and TLDI '07 continued that tradition.
General Chair: |
Andrew Kennedy |
Program Chair: |
Amal Ahmed |
Program Committee: |
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Steering Committee: |