Alec Heller
I'm a Ph.D student in my third year in the Programming Languages
Research Lab at Northeastern, with Riccardo
Pucella. I started my undergraduate career as a Jazz Piano
major at Oberlin College, and
ended up a Computer Scientist instead. Now, lacking a piano, I
find myself playing more guitar and bass, as they fit in my
Recently, I have been working on a simplified type system for
Session Types. I'm generally interested in different ways of
expressing static properties of programs both to humans and other
programs, such as type systems, algebraic specifications, and
anything else I can come up with.
Over the summer of 2007, Jesse Tov and I developed Caml Shcaml, a
library for orchestrating UNIX shell tasks in OCaml for the OCaml Summer Project
sponsored by Jane Street
This semester, I'm teaching CSU101, Computer Science and
its Applications. The course page for my section may be found
I have TA'd the following courses:
Alec Heller
College of Computer and Information Science
Northeastern University
360 Huntington Ave, #202 WVH
Boston, MA 02115
Email: (@ alec (ccs neu edu))
Phone: 617-373-3926
Office: 308 WVH