A. Chan, Y. Frankel and Y. Tsiounis, ``An Efficient Off-Line Electronic Cash Scheme as Secure as RSA'', Tech Report NU-CCS-96-03
A. Chan, Y. Frankel, and Y. Tsiounis, ``How to Break and Repair E-cash Protocols Based on the Representation Problem'', Tech Report NU-CCS-96-05
A. Chan, Y. Frankel, P. MacKenzie, and Y. Tsiounis, ``Mis-representation of identities in e-cash schemes and how to prevent it'', Asiacrypt 96 (LNCS 1163), Kyongju, S. Korea, pages 276--285.
A. Chan, Y. Frankel and Y. Tsiounis, ``Easy come/easy go divisible
cash''. Submitted for publication.