Aldo Cassola, Ph.D.

I have moved to USFQ

Email: acassola (at) ccs (dot) neu (dot) edu

CV: English | Castellano(pdf)
PGP public key

I studied at the College of Computer and Information Science (CCIS) at Northeastern University, and worked with Prof. Guevara Noubir. I earned my B.Sc. in Computer Science at the College of Science and Engineering at Universidad San Francisco de Quito in 2001. I also obtained a M.Sc. in networks and security from CCIS in 2008.

My research focuses on wireless, mobile, and residential network security and privacy. I enjoy both building systems that challenge the way systems and protocols handle people's information, and ones that not only bring theoretical results but also implement them in real world.

Ph.D. Thesis Proposal

SafEdge for Residential Networks: Privacy from the bottom up


Open Infrastructure

Open Infrastructure is a wireless network research framework we have developed to aid us in deploying new solutions in a consistent environment on residential network devices. Through it we seek to leverage the large numbers of broadband subscribers to build ubiquitous, reliable and secure services that are low in cost, power, and administrative overhead. Some of our projects include secure WiFi access, Edge Cloud storage, and residential CDNs.

Open Infrastructure is built from off-the-shelf hardware and customized router firmware that inclues a management tool suite and several utilities for experimental data gathering.


Efficient Spread Spectrum Communications without Pre-Shared Secrets (pdf)
Aldo Cassola, Tao Jin, Guevara Noubir, Bishal Thapa, in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, TMC, 2012
Spread spectrum communication without any pre-shared secret (pdf)
Aldo Cassola, Tao Jin, Guevara Noubir, Bishal Thapa (technical report)
A practical, targeted, and stealthy attack against WPA-Enterprise authentication (pdf | talk )
Aldo Cassola, William Robertson, Engin Kirda, and Guevara Noubir, in Proceedings of NDSS, vol. 2013

Demos and Posters

SNEAP: A Social Network-Enabled EAP Method: No More Open Hotspots (pdf)
Aldo Cassola, Tao Jin, Harsh Kumar, Guevara Noubir, and Kamal Sharma, in Proceedings of NSDI Demo, Boston, 2011
Search and Rescue Mission using Cell Phones and Mobile Base Station
Aldo Cassola, Bishal Thapa, in Northeastern Annual Research Expo, Boston, MA. April 2010


Fall 2008: Teaching Assistant, CSG250 Wireless Networks under Prof. Ravi Sundaram.

Spring 2008–Fall 2012: Teaching and Lab Assistant, CS6740/4740 Network Security under Prof. Guevara Noubir.
